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Coat of arms of crocodile
Krokeide (Norway)
Basic data
Country Norway
Province  (fylke) Vestland
Municipality  (commune) : Mountains
Coordinates : 60 ° 14 ′  N , 5 ° 18 ′  E Coordinates: 60 ° 14 ′  N , 5 ° 18 ′  E
Residents : 393 (2019)

Krokeide is a Tettsted in the district of Fana in Bergen in Norway and forms the southernmost point of the municipality of Bergen. In 2019 the place had 393 inhabitants.

Krokeide lies on an isthmus (Norwegian: Eid ) between the Korsneset peninsula and the mainland, and is bordered by the Fanafjord in the north and the Lysefjord in the south, which also forms the border to the neighboring municipality of Bjørnafjorden . In earlier times ships were pulled across the isthmus to avoid the route around Korsneset. There is a ferry connection from Krokeide to Hufthamar on the island of Austevoll .

The place emerged around the Krokeide farm, which was originally a domain of the Lyseklostergut until it came into private hands in the 1870s. Around 1900 the city of Bergen operated a quarry here, in which red granite was quarried for walls and curbs.

Crocodile videregående skole

During the Second World War , the central command of the German coastal artillery was in Krokeide. After the end of the war, the buildings were sold to Tuberkuløses Hjelpeorganisasjon , an interest group for those infected with tuberculosis , which established a vocational school for tuberculosis sufferers in 1946. This offered high school students training in woodcutting, carpentry, turning, rose painting and furniture decoration as well as radio technology. After the number of tuberculosis sufferers declined in the 1960s, the school began accepting students with other heart and lung conditions. Today the school is run as Krokeide Videregående Skole by a private foundation and specializes in students with mental and physical disabilities and is the largest secondary school of its kind in Norway with 187 students. In Krokeide there is also a primary school with 45 students (2019/20).

Individual evidence

  1. Areal og followkning i tettsteder Statistisk sentralbyrå , accessed on February 8, 2020
  2. a b Krokeide , in Bergen Byleksikon, accessed on June 14, 2020 (Norwegian)
  3. Steinbrudd i Hordaland ,, accessed on June 14, 2020 (Norwegian)
  4. Historie Krokeide Videregående Skole, accessed on June 14, 2020 (Norwegian)
  5. Elevtall i videregående skole - utdanningsprogram og trinn Utdanningsdirektoratet, accessed on June 14, 2020 (Norwegian)
  6. Krokeide Skole , accessed on June 14, 2020 (Norwegian)