Kurt Blanke

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Kurt Blanke (born November 18, 1900 in Emden ; † February 28, 1997 in Celle ) was a German lawyer and local politician ( DP , CDU ). From 1964 to 1973 he was Lord Mayor of the Lower Saxony city of Celle.


Kurt Blanke was chairman of the local lawyers' association and worked for the state examination office at the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice for 25 years. From 1957 to 1977 he was a member of the Lower Saxony State Court and in 1964 was elected mayor of Celle.

For his services as a local politician he was a. a. awarded the Great Federal Cross of Merit. Two years after his death, the city council of Celle decided to name a street after Blanke.

At the beginning of 2008, the Konstanz historian Martin Jungius demonstrated in his dissertation Blankes entanglements in the persecution of Jews in France during the Nazi era . Blanke, who resigned under protest from the SA on November 14, 1938 after the Reichspogromnacht (member since July 9, 1933, appointed adjutant to Sturmbann II / 7 on May 1, 1938 and promoted to troop leader a little later) (and himself Before that he had to answer before the Supreme Party Court of the NSDAP ), was responsible for the control and enforcement of the “ Aryanization ” in the occupied zone as head of the “De-Judgment” department in the economic department under the leadership of Elmar Michel , the military commander in France .

As a consequence of these research results, the city council of Celle decided at the end of May 2008 - as in the previous year with the former mayor Ernst Meyer - to rename Kurt-Blanke-Straße to Wildgarten .

Kurt Blanke's son Edzard Blanke was a CDU politician and president of the state parliament.



  • Joseph Cheap: Dr. Kurt Blanke. Hotel Majestic. In: Le Monde juif. No. 4, Paris 1956.
  • RWLE Möller , Bernd Polster : Kurt Blanke. In: RWLE Möller, Bernd Polster: Celle. The city book. ES, Bonn 2003, ISBN 3-00-012605-8 , p. 57.
  • Martin Jungius: The Managed Robbery. The “Aryanization” of the French economy 1940–1944. Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3-7995-7292-7 .
  • Martin Jungius, Wolfgang Seibel: The citizen as a desk offender. The Kurt Blanke case. In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte . Volume 56, No. 2, Oldenbourg, Munich 2008, ISSN  0042-5702 , pp. 265-303 ( PDF ).
    • English: The Citizen as Perpetrator. Kurt Blanke and Aryanization in France 1940–1944. In: Zs. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Vol. 22 Issue 3, 2008, pp. 441–474 (online see web links).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RWLE Möller, Bernd Polster: Kurt Blanke , in this: Celle. The city book. ES, Bonn 2003, ISBN 3-00-012605-8 , p. 57
  2. Gunther Meinrenken: '77 massacre: street names in Celle only for role models . cellesche-zeitung.de. August 29, 2014. Retrieved April 24, 2019.