Kurt Voigt (General)

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Kurt Voigt (born January 25, 1927 in Luckenau , † 2009 in Zeuthen ) was a German officer in the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR . From 1975 to 1988 he was head of the Armament / Chemical Service (BCD) department of the MfS.


The son of a locksmith and a farm worker completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith after attending elementary school from 1941 to 1944. He joined the Reich Labor Service (RAD) in 1944 and was drafted into the Wehrmacht for military service in the same year . At the end of the war in 1945 he was briefly taken prisoner of war .

From 1945 to 1948 he worked as a locksmith and lathe operator. In 1948 he joined the SED and joined the German People's Police (DVP). At VP he was an active and successful marksman , first in the SC Dynamo Halle with the rank of VP commissioner (lieutenant), then in the SC Dynamo Berlin-Mitte . In June 1959, he improved the German record that had recently been set in Moscow from 2535 to 2551 rings. At that time he held the rank of captain of the VP.

In 1960 he was hired by the MfS and head coach of the martial arts unit at the Berlin Guard Regiment . At the same time he was coach of the GDR national team in shooting from 1961 to 1965. In 1965 Voigt was transferred to the Weapons and Devices Department (WuG). He became deputy head of department there in 1968 and, in September 1972, deputy head of the newly created Armament / Chemical Service (BCD) department. As the successor to Lieutenant Colonel Heinz Michael, he rose to head of department in April 1975, at that time also with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He completed his studies at the University of Transport in Dresden in 1974 as a graduate engineer for ballistics. In 1978 he was promoted to colonel and in 1984 appointed major general by the Chairman of the National Defense Council of the GDR , Erich Honecker . In January 1988 he was released from service and retired. His successor was Colonel Erich Schwager. Along with Erich Mielke , Markus Wolf , Gerhard Neiber , Joachim Büchner , Hans Carlsohn , Heinz Geyer and Karl Zukunft, Voigt belonged to the 12-person hunting collective of the MfS in the state hunt of the State Forestry Company (StFB) Neuhaus.

After the reunification in the GDR he was a member of the Initiative Group for the Protection of Social Rights (ISOR). He last lived in Zeuthen and died in 2009 at the age of 82.


Individual evidence

  1. SV Dynamo determines the best shooters . In: Neues Deutschland , June 29, 1955, p. 6.
  2. Records also on the 2nd day of the shooting championships . In: Neues Deutschland , October 10, 1958, p. 8.
  3. German shooting record . In: Neues Deutschland , June 19, 1959, p. 8.