Kurt Ziesché

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Kurt Ziesché (* 1876 in Breslau ; † 1971 in Frickenhausen am Main ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian and priest .


After ordination in 1900, Joseph Pohle completed his habilitation in dogmatics in 1909 in Breslau . He taught as a private lecturer at the University of Wroclaw . He gave guest lectures at the PTH Königstein im Taunus .

Fonts (selection)

  • Of St. Bonaventure doctrine of the logical psychological analysis of the act of faith . R. Nischkowsky, Breslau 1908, OCLC 315965425 (also dissertation, Breslau 1908).
  • The natural doctrine of Bonaventura . Actiendr., Fulda 1908, OCLC 249987610 (also dissertation, Strasbourg 1908).
  • About the political and party political position of the Catholic Germans . Krause, Breslau 1921, OCLC 718864852 .
  • The kingship of Christ in Europe . Manz, Regensburg 1926, OCLC 238814285 .


  • Rainer Bendel : Wroclaw Catholic Theological Faculty. In: Dominik Burkard , Wolfgang Weiß (Ed.): Catholic theology in National Socialism. Volume 1/2: Institutions and Structures. Würzburg 2011, pp. 9-23, ISBN 978-3-429-03425-2 .
  • Erich Kleineidam : The Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Breslau 1811–1945. With images of seals, the university buildings and the professors' college of the Catholic Theological Faculty . Wienand, Cologne 1962, pp. 114f., OCLC 603989720 .