Short-haul nightjar

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Short-haul nightjar
Short-towed nightjar (Caprimulgus clarus)

Short-towed nightjar ( Caprimulgus clarus )

Order : Swallow-like (Caprimulgiformes)
Family : Nightjar (Caprimulgidae)
Subfamily : Caprimulginae
Genre : Goat milker ( Caprimulgus )
Type : Short-haul nightjar
Scientific name
Caprimulgus clarus
Reichenow , 1892

The short-tailed nightjar ( Caprimulgus clarus ) is a species of bird in the nightjar family (Caprimulgidae).

It occurs in Ethiopia , the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Djibouti , Kenya , Somalia , South Sudan , Tanzania and Uganda .

Their distribution area mainly includes dry bush or thorn bush land , acacia- lined areas, sparsely forested grassland , neglected agricultural areas, often up to 2000 m near water.


The short-towed nightjar is 28 cm tall, the male weighs between 36 and 49 g, the female between 34 and 53 g. There are variations of dark brown, black, or yellow-brown coloring. It resembles the Welwitschachtschwalbe with white spots on the hand wings, white wing bandage over the small arm covers, a narrow white border on the outer control feathers and white tips on the arm wings. Both sexes have slightly elongated middle tail feathers.


The male's call is described as a series of fast “wa, wa, wa, wa” or slower, even purring “kwoikwoikkoi”, also as a fast “kwip, kwip” in flight.

Way of life

The diet consists of moths , flies , beetles , ants and grasshoppers .

The breeding season is between February and May.

Hazardous situation

The short-haul nightjar is not considered to be endangered ( least concern ).

Individual evidence

  1. Avibase
  2. a b c d Handbook of the Birds of the World
  3. ^ A b c T. Stevenson, J. Fanshawe: Birds of East Africa. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi,, Princeton University Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-691-12665-4
  4. ^ IUCN Redlist

Web links

Commons : Nightjar ( Caprimulgus clarus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files