Léon Metchnikoff

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Leon Metchnikoff ( Russian Лев Ильич Мечников ., Scientific transliteration Lev Il'ič Mečnikov , dt form Lew Ilyich Mechnikov;. * May 18 jul. / Thirtieth May  1838 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † June 18 jul. / 30th June  1888 greg. In Clarens VD ) was a Russian geographer .

Metchnikoff worked on Élisée Reclus ' Nouvelle Géographie Universelle , was a lecturer at the Neuchâtel Academy from 1883 to 1888 and co-founder of the Société neuchâteloise de geographie in 1885 . The Mechnikov Peak and the Metschnikow Nunatakker in the Antarctic are named after him.


The aristocrat Metschnikow was the son of a guard officer from St. Petersburg and a writer's daughter. The paternal ancestors immigrated from Moldova to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century , Mechnikov's name (meč: Russian for "sword") is a loan translation from Romanian "Spatarenko" ("sword bearer"). His maternal grandfather was the writer Lev Nikolajewitsch Newachowitsch (Jechuda Lejb Ben Noach, 1776–1831) from Podolia , one of the first Jewish enlighteners ( Haskala ) in Russia. His younger brother was the Nobel Prize winner for medicine Ilya Ilyich Metschnikow (1845-1916), his other brother Iwan was the literary model for the main character in The Death of Iwan Ilyich by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy .

Fonts (selection)

  • L'empire japonais. Imprimerie orientale de L'Atsume Gusa, Genève 1878.
  • La Civilization et les grands fleuves historiques. Hachette, Paris 1889.
  • Renato Risaliti (ed.): Memorie di un garibaldino - la spedizione dei mille (= Biblioteca del viaggio in Italia - Grandi libri del centocinquantenario dell'unità dell'Italia. Volume 91). Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul viaggio in Italia, Moncalieri 2008, ISBN 978-88-7760-091-2 .
  • Renato Risaliti (ed.): Sull'Italia risorgimentale (= Biblioteca del viaggio in Italia - Grandi libri del centocinquantenario dell'unità dell'Italia. Volume 96). Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul viaggio in Italia, Moncalieri 2011, ISBN 978-88-7760-096-7 .


  • Élisée Reclus : Préface. In: Léon Metchnikoff: La Civilization et les grands fleuves historiques. Hachette, Paris 1889, pp. V-xxviii. (French: Wikisource ).
  • Peter Jud: Léon Metchnikoff (Lev Il'ič Mečnikov), 1838–1888. A Russian geographer in Switzerland. Oriole, Zurich 1995, OCLC 37141368 .
  • Federico Ferretti: Il mondo senza la mappa. Elisée Reclus ei geografi anarchici. Zero in Condotta, Milan 2007, OCLC 37141368 .
  • Federico Ferretti: Elisée Reclus, pour une geographie nouvelle. CTHS, Paris 2014, OCLC 37141368 .

Web links

Commons : Leon Metchnikoff  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Jud: Léon Metchnikoff. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .