Lion's paw

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The lion's paw is a rare part in a coat of arms . It occurs singly and more often in pairs as part of the heraldic animal lion . It's a common figure in heraldry .

He can appear in the protruding from the upper corner from a coat of arms or at the crack and also hold a key , sword and other. The lion's paw can also grow together with the upper coat of arms . It can also cross two lion paws. You will also be described as increasing or averted if these pairs pile justice are in arms. This also applies to the position in the upper coat of arms. The coloring is done according to the heraldic rules. The reinforcement is often set off in color and must be mentioned in the blazon like with the heraldic animal .

Some famous noble families carried the coat of arms. In the coat of arms hall of the Gozzoburg castle there is an old coat of arms with a lion's paw.
