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Interlude , sometimes also Intermezzo ( Italian for interlude , literally pause ; also Intermedio ), in stage jargon stop- gap , are called insertions or transitions in artistic media. There are intermezzi on the one hand as independent forms, right up to the genre that contrasts with the main work . On the other hand, they only have subordinate compositional and dramaturgical elements. The interludes in music and drama , but also stage work , poetry and literature, Film and storytelling have influenced each other in form and function in various ways in art history.

Independent forms

This can also be found in the entremeses , short Spanish pieces that served as a break filler between meals (from the 13th century).

Transitional part in a piece of music

  • Interludium (from Latin inter 'between' and ludus 'game'), musical interlude, generally the transition from one main part to the next or the connection of the individual stanzas (in song, chorale and the like) through a few bars of instrumental movement
  • Ritornello or refrain ('the recurring'), part of a rondo that recurs several times in the course of this piece of music
  • Bridge ( English for bridge ), characteristic transitional molding in jazz, pop and rock
  • Break (Engl. For breaking , break ), short slot at the end of a formal section, often at the end of the bridge, in pop music

See also