Luderitz Peninsula

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Luderitz Peninsula
Lüderitz ISS011-E-9513.jpg
Satellite image with the Lüderitz peninsula in the upper half of the image. To the northeast is the Lüderitz Bay.
Geographical location
Lüderitz Peninsula (Namibia)
Luderitz Peninsula
Coordinates 26 ° 38 '8 "  S , 15 ° 5' 18"  O Coordinates: 26 ° 38 '8 "  S , 15 ° 5' 18"  O
Waters 1 Atlantic Ocean

The Lüderitz peninsula on the Namibian south Atlantic coast is located in the ǁKaras region near the city of Lüderitz . It was named after the Bremen brothers August and Adolf Lüderitz . The Diaz point also belongs to the peninsula .

The peninsula borders the Lüderitz Bay in the northwest , which is separated from the Sturmvogel Bay in the west by the Angra Point . The Angra point forms the northernmost branch of the Lüderitz peninsula. Shearwater Bay borders to the west of Stormvogel Bay , which is separated from Guano Bay by the Diaz Point . Halifax Island is located 240 meters offshore in Guano Bay . The western rocky cliff has several small fjords. At the southern end of the Lüderitz peninsula is the Great Bay, which is open to the south and used as a bathing beach .

The entire area of ​​the Lüderitz peninsula is part of the restricted area national park .
