La siciliana ribelle

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Original title La siciliana ribelle
Country of production Italy
original language Italian
Publishing year 2009
length 113 minutes
Age rating FSK ?
Director Marco Amenta
script Marco Amenta
Sergio Donati
Gianni Romoli
production Simonetta Amenta
Tilde Corsi
Gianni Romoli
music Pasquale Catalano
camera Luca Bigazzi
cut Mirco Garrone

La siciliana ribelle is a 2009 film by Italian director Marco Amenta based on a true story.


Rita Mancuso is the daughter of a well-respected mafia boss from a Sicilian village in the early 1980s . On the day of her first communion, she witnessed her father's murder. Years later, when Rita is 17 years old, her brother is also killed. Determined to avenge the murders, she goes to the Public Prosecutor's Office in Palermo , where she takes as evidence the diaries that she carefully kept from childhood in the hope of putting the murderers of her father and brother behind bars. From that moment on, Rita becomes one of the main witnesses of the investigations that have been going on for some time, but she gets on the list of people to be liquidated in her village. While fleeing her village, she was brought to Rome under the utmost secrecy as part of the witness protection program . Thanks to her valuable help, the police arrested the people she had accused and who had been wanted for a long time. However, when Rita believes that everything is going according to her wishes, the investigating judge , who has looked after her case from the beginning and has become, as it were, a second father for her, is murdered.

Desperate about her loneliness and complete abandonment, contrary to the rules of the utmost secrecy, which she should have kept, Rita calls the fiancé she had left behind in Sicily and reveals her situation to him. But when she realizes from talking to him that the only way she can get back to a normal life is to withdraw all allegations and thus bring about the release of the mafiosi from her village, she throws herself from the balcony in front of her fiancé to death.

The film is freely based on the true story of the lawyer Rita Atria .

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