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Goose Green Settlement
Geographical location
Map of Lafonia
Coordinates 52 ° 0 ′  S , 59 ° 24 ′  W Coordinates: 52 ° 0 ′  S , 59 ° 24 ′  W
Waters 1 Scotia Lake
Waters 2 Falklandsund
Waters 3 Choiseul sound
Waters 4 Brenton Hole
length 77 km
width 75 km
surface 2 400  km²
Darwin Settlement.JPG
Darwin settlement

Lafonia refers to the southern part of the island of East Falkland , which is part of the South Atlantic Falkland Islands .

The 2400 km² large peninsula of Lafonia is connected to the northern part of East Falkland by a narrow isthmus , which is only a good kilometer wide at its narrowest point. The isthmus separates Choiseul Sound (innermost part of Darwin Harbor) in the east from Brenton Loch (innermost part of Camilla Creek) in the west. Barren Island , Bleaker Island , George Island , Lively Island , Sealion Island and Speedwell Island are located off Lafonia and geographically belong to this region.

The name goes back to the British sheep farmer Samuel Fisher Lafone , who bought the area in 1846 to keep sheep there.

Lafonia is extremely sparsely populated. The two largest settlements, Goose Green (the second largest town in the Falkland Islands with 40 inhabitants) and Darwin are located on the isthmus. Other settlements are North Arm Settlement (20 residents) and Walker Creek. Abandoned settlements are Hope Place, Kelp Creek, and Egg Harbor. However, the peninsula has an abundance of wildlife. In addition to various types of duck such as the chile or versicolor duck, there are also sea ​​lions , dolphins and penguins .

The southernmost suspension bridge in the world is located in the Lafonia area . It was built in 1825 and used for shearing the shaft.

See also