Headland of Nizhny Novgorod

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Headland of Nizhny Novgorod
The headland with Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Stadium and Cathedral of the Nativity
The headland with Alexander Nevsky Cathedral , Stadium and Cathedral of the Nativity
Waters Oka , Volga
Geographical location 56 ° 20 ′  N , 43 ° 59 ′  E Coordinates: 56 ° 20 ′  N , 43 ° 59 ′  E
Headland of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)
Headland of Nizhny Novgorod
Location Map of Nizhny Novgorod.svg

The headland of Nizhny Novgorod ( Russian Стрелка Нижнего Новгорода short name: headland or Strelka ) is one of the main attractions of Nizhny Novgorod . It is located at the confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers .


The headland separates the Oka and the Volga. It used to be a port for cargo ships arriving and departing from Nizhny Novgorod. On the headland there is another attraction of the city - the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral .

A stadium for the 2018 World Cup is being built on the headland . The Strelka metro station also went into operation in 2018. After its completion, a park will also be created on the headland.


From the 16th to the 20th century

View of the headland and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral . Andrei Karelin and Iwan Schischkin . 1880.

In the time of the Russian tsarist the headland (Strelka) was the center of the Strelitsky camp of Nizhny Novgorod Ujesd . Hence this place is called that today. Later the river port began to develop here. This place was convenient for unloading and loading cargo and merchant ships arriving in Nizhny Novgorod along the Oka and Volga rivers. The shallow bank at the intersection of two rivers became more profitable for the construction of moorings than the high Nizhny Novgorod hill. Siberian docks were built on the bank on the Volga side.

During the time of the Russian Empire , Petersburg quays were added on the Oka side. A new stage in the development of the river port on the headland was the broadcast of the Makariev Fair in 1817. Since then, cargo throughput on the waterways has exceeded 70 million poods (1.15 million tons ). In 1880 the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built on the headland. During the All-Russian Craft Exhibition in 1896 , guest houses and exhibition pavilions were built. The first tram that connected the city to the fair was also opened.

The Soviet era

The headland in Soviet times. A dark gray building in the middle is the former Alexander Nevsky Cathedral that has been converted into a warehouse. 1985.

During the Soviet Union , the area of ​​the headland changed a lot. On February 5, 1918 the management of the shipyards was established. In 1932 a large cargo port was built on this territory. In the late 1930s, the destruction of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral began. On the site of the cathedral it was planned to build a huge lighthouse with a monument to Vladimir Lenin . However, only the roof and the domes were dismantled. During the entire Soviet period it was used as a warehouse and communal accommodation for the port workers. During the Second World War , an anti-aircraft machine gun was installed on the roof of the cathedral instead of the central dome to repel air attacks by the German Air Force on the port. Defending the headland did not allow the Germans to bomb the port area and the Okski Bridge (now the Kanawinski Bridge). After the war, the port began to increase cargo throughput and became one of the largest in the Soviet Union. During the Cold War , a network of underground nuclear shelter was built on the headland . In 1983, the restoration of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral began.

News Russia

View of the headland, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium at night. 2018

After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the port on the headland was privatized. Private buildings and garages were built around it. In the 90s, the city council and citizens did not care about the exterior of the Strelka. The restoration of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral has been completed. In the early 2000s the situation changed. The construction of a district ( microrajon ) in the wasteland near the port began. Initially, the Sedmoe Nebo district was built, and a little later a hypermarket of the same name opened . New houses, roads, and other infrastructure continued to be built on the territory. In early 2010 there were plans to develop the Strelka-City commercial and business center. In 2015, however, it became known that the stadium for the 2018 World Cup was being built on the headland and that the area around the stadium was being completely redesigned. In the same year the river port was relocated and its functions were divided between the cities of Kstovo , Bor and others. The Strelka metro station is being built near the stadium .

During the construction work in the former port, filigree metal constructions of the industrial and craft exhibition in 1896 were discovered, which were transported to the Siberian pier and converted into warehouses in 1902. Citizens advocated maintaining these structures in the same place, and the ex-governor supported the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod. These buildings are to be restored and used for other purposes. On August 1, 2017, old concrete warehouses that were built in the 1930s in the Soviet era were demolished. They had no historical value. However, the media and liberal activists presented this information as if the historic warehouses were being demolished.

On November 1, 2016, construction of a highway began on the Volga bank of Strelka along the Meshcherskoye Osero district. The planning and the start of construction were accompanied by protests by local residents, which were again supported by the media and liberals. The residents viewed this area as their recreational area and also called it an ecological zone. However, this bank area was completely destroyed and polluted. This in no way corresponds to the needs of the citizens for a fully-fledged quiet zone.

Another discovery was the underground anti-nuclear bunkers that were built during the Cold War . They were found in December 2016. Public proposals have been made for its preservation and conversion to a Cold War museum.

Individual evidence

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