Laurentius Ribovius

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Laurentius Ribovius (born November 27, 1601 in Greifswald ; † August 15, 1644 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German music teacher , non-fiction author and composer of Protestant church music .


Ribovius, who came from Greifswald in Pomerania , became a music teacher at the Prussian Löbenicht Latin School in the Königsberg district of Löbenicht and held the position of Protestant cantor there from 1628 until his untimely death . He was active as a composer of church music and published writings on the subject of church music. In his Enchiridion musicum , a textbook on the art of singing, published in 1634, he uses questions and answers to explain the technical terms borrowed from Italian and other languages ​​and, with the aid of numerous examples, explains the basic rules to be observed when singing. He devoted an entire chapter of the book to the subject of the fugue ; it was the first time that such a detailed chapter on fugues was published in German. The textbook was reprinted several times.


  • Enchiridion musicum, or short term for the art of singing . Koenigsberg 1634.
  • Ad exequias Laurentio Ribovio faciendas invitat rector et senatus Academiae Regiomontanae . Koenigsberg 1644.


  • Otto Ungewitter : The Enchiridion musicum by Laurentius Ribovius. Königsberg 1634. In. Old Prussian monthly . Volume 5, Koenigsberg 1868, pp. 331-338.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Georg Christoph Pisanski : From the schools in Königsberg in the seventeenth century . In: Prussian provincial sheets . Volume 9, Königsberg 1850, pp. 458-467, especially p. 467.
  2. Georg Christoph Pisanski : On eloquence, poetry and music in the seventeenth century . In: Prussian provincial sheets . Volume 2, Königsberg 1852, pp. 152-160, in particular pp. 156-157.
  3. ^ Paul Walker: Theories of Fugue from the Age of Josquin to the Age of Bach . The University of Rochester Press, Rochester (NY, USA) 2004, ISBN 1-58046-029-1 , p. 128.