Le chaudron infernal

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Original title Le chaudron infernal
Le Chaudron infernal.jpg
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1903
length 1 minute
Director Georges Méliès
script Georges Méliès
production Georges Méliès
  • the devil : Georges Méliès
  • a woman
  • a man

Le chaudron infernal ( German  The hellish cauldron ) is a French horror film from 1903 by Georges Méliès . The film was released in France on October 17, 1903. The film was made in cooperation with the film company Star Film .


The devil burns some people and is haunted by their escaping souls.

Background information

The film was hand-colored by Georges Méliès and it was the third film to be released using this technique after La Guirlande Merveilleuse and Le Cake-walk infernal . In America the film was released under the title The Infernal Boiling Pot .

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