Leather Stocking - The Indian Scout

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German title Leather Stocking - The Indian Scout
Original title The Pathfinder
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1996
length 108 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Donald Shebib
script James Mitchell Miller ,
Tommy Lynch
production John Danylkiw ,
Gary L. Stephenson
music Reg Powell
camera Curtis Petersen
cut Bill Goddard

Leather Stockings - The Indian Scout (original title: The Pathfinder ) is an American western from Leather Stockings Productions from 1996 based on the Leather Stocking story by James Fenimore Cooper with Graham Greene in a leading role. The film is set against the backdrop of the struggle for supremacy in eastern North America in the mid-18th century between England, France and their respective Indian allies. The film was shot in Fort Erie , Canada.


The main plot is embedded in a framework, in which the film occasionally returns. A grandmother tells her two grandchildren, a girl and a boy, the scout story on New Year's Eve at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries:

The young Mabel Dunham is on her way with her uncle and company through the wilderness to see her father, an officer in Fort Oswego, England, on Lake Ontario . On the way, the young white ranger Boy Scout and his Indian foster father Chingachgook and the naval officer Jasper Weston join them and protect them from the hostile Indians allied with the French who are planning an ambush in the forest. After arriving at the fort to celebrate the day, a competition between Boy Scouts, Weston and the devious one-eyed Lieutenant Muir deliberately loses Boy Scouts in favor of Weston after a trick by the lieutenant.

Shortly afterwards, Mabel's father was transferred to an outpost as part of a detachment command. The girl and all the protagonists accompany him on the boat trip. On the lake there is a skirmish between Muir and Weston, the captain, in the course of which Muir accuses Weston of treason. Already on land he was suspected of being a French spy after a hidden clue.

After arriving at the outpost, Muir, who is actually a French spy, leaves the camp to meet his allies. They are planning an ambush that he will lead the entire crew of the post into shortly afterwards. The fort thus exposed is attacked by the Francophile Indians. Only Chingachgook and the Boy Scouts had recognized the betrayal of Muir and could still warn their people. So they get back to the now enemy-occupied fort, where they are attacked again. Mabel's father is seriously injured. The tide turns when the guard is shot at from the British warship.

The motive for Muir's betrayal of the English troops is revenge, as his people had previously abandoned him in the fight against the redskins, which led to the loss of his eye. Eventually he is killed in a duel by boy scouts.

One subplot strand is the affection of both Weston and Boy Scout for Mabel. In the end, Boy Scouts renounced father Dunhams on his deathbed again in favor of his friend Weston.

Finally it turns out that the narrating grandmother is identical to Mabel.

Ambivalent supporting characters are Arrowhead, Mabel's false leader at the beginning, who in the end protects the scouts against an insidious attack by the chief of the French Indians, Wolfsherz, by killing him and his young companion.


"Visually attractive, albeit dramatically too smooth western adventure, which cannot compete with Mann's masterpiece ['The Last of the Mohicans'], but which certainly knows how to please fans of the genre."

- Kino.de

"TV adaptation of the classic by James Fenimore Cooper in an all too smooth production."


  • The film was released on DVD by Echo Bridge Entertainment
  • In the German-language synchronization, the French speak German with a French accent, all other characters including the Indians allied with them speak normal German.
  • The French-language titles are La Légende de Pathfinder (The Boy Scout Legend) in Canada and Le Lac Ontario (Lake Ontario) in France.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for leather stockings - The Indian Scout . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Kino.de
  3. Leatherstocking - The Indian Scout. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed December 4, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used