Lee Chi Hoon

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Lee Chi Hoon (born April 30, 1988 in Busan , South Korea , † March 19, 2020 in Seoul , South Korea) was a South Korean actor and influencer .

Live and act

Lee Chi Hoon became known throughout South Korea for the television comedy "Ulzzang Generation", in which he played a leading role in almost all seasons. He later hired himself as an influencer with his own YouTube channel and played in series that were mainly broadcast on the independent broadcaster Afreeca TV .

On March 13, 2020, he was admitted to Gangnam Severence Hospital in Seoul with a high fever , suspected of having COVID-19 . A test was negative, but it took so long that the hospital no longer looked after him. Lee Chi Hoon died on March 19, 2020 as a result of serious blood poisoning . To date, however, it is not known where in the body this occurred, and the cause of death has not yet been fully confirmed. It must also be clarified whether a triage decision has been made on the petite actor . The memorial service was celebrated with family and friends on March 22, 2020 in Seoul.


  • Ulzzang Generation (Comedy, South Korean TV, Series)
  • Flowerman Corporation (series, South Korean television)
  • Sadist Lover (Series, Internet - Afreeca TV)

Web links