Leonhart Zollikofer

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Leonhart Zollikofer (also Lienhard Zollikofer ) (born December 2, 1529 in St. Gallen ; † April 25, 1587 ibid) was a businessman and politician in St. Gallen ( Switzerland ).



Leonhart Zollikofer was the son of Georg Zollikofer (1492 in St. Gallen; † 24 May 1539 in Lyon), a businessman and his wife Sabina (1499–1545), daughter of Hans Schittlin von Aebtisberg († 1504). His grandfather was Ludwig Zollikofer (1450–1514), a wealthy merchant and councilor in St. Gallen. He still had nine siblings:

  • Lorenz Zollikofer von Altenklingen (* 1519 in St. Gallen; † 1577 ibid), canvas dealer, founder of the Laurence line, married to Dorothea Theodosia (1523–1603), daughter of Joachim Vadian , mayor and reformer in St. Gallen;
  • Maria Zollikofer (* 1521 in St. Gallen; † unknown), married to Ludwig Hüruss;
  • Elsbetha Zollikofer (* 1523 in St. Gallen; † before 1565), married to Christoph Schultheiss;
  • Georg Zollikofer von Altenklingen (* 1525 in St. Gallen; † June 8, 1600 ibid), founder of the Georgian line, married to Barbara, b. Schirmer (* July 28, 1530 in St. Gallen; † June 8, 1581 ibid), in second marriage to Magdalena, b. Schlumpf (1553–1589) and in third marriage with Rahel, b. Reutlinger (1544-1612);
  • Rosa Zollikofer (born December 18, 1527 in St. Gallen, † unknown);
  • Rosa Zollikofer (born December 2, 1531 in St. Gallen; † unknown), married to Ludwig Högger;
  • David Zollikofer (born November 9, 1533 in St. Gallen; † unknown);
  • Jost Zollikofer von Sonnenberg (born March 8, 1535 in St. Gallen; June 14, 1617 in Schloss Sonnenberg ), married to Susanna von Kirch (* 1537 in Lindau ; † 1605 in Schloss Sonneberg);
  • Sabina Zollikofer (born October 16, 1538 in St. Gallen; † unknown).

Leonhart Zollikofer was first married to Barbara, daughter of Jakob Hüenli, from 1555 and his second marriage to Benigna, daughter of Hans Krafft from Ulm, from 1580.


He was a cloth merchant and bought the Pfauenmoos estate near Berg from his sister Rosa Zollikofer .

In 1573 he was elected city ​​judge , councilor and sack master of the city of St. Gallen.

On October 19, 1578, Emperor Rudolf II and his brothers and cousins ​​were raised to hereditary nobility .

On October 20, 1582 he was the envoy to the federal summons with King Heinrich III. in Paris.

In 1585 he received the jurisdiction and the Altenklingen Castle from Berchtold Brümsi von Herblingen , which he completely renovated in 1586. Because he himself was childless, in 1586 he set up, together with his brothers Georg Zollikofer and Laurenz Zollikofer, the family fideikommisse Zollikofer von Altenklingen and Pfauenmoos; Pfauenmoos was family-owned until 1839 and Altenklingen until the beginning of the 21st century.


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