Lesgic languages

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The Lesgian languages ​​(No. 6–15) in the area of ​​the Northeast Caucasian language family, with Chinalugic sometimes not being included.

The Lesgian languages are a subgroup of the ( Northeast Caucasian ) post-Dagestani language family. The majority of speakers of these languages ​​live in the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan ( Russian Federation ), but a not inconsiderable proportion also in Azerbaijan .


Samuric group

All of these languages ​​are now written languages ; the years in brackets indicate since when the language in question has been written with the Cyrillic alphabet .

Shah Dagh group

Individual languages

Alternatively, Chinalugic is also classified as a single language within the post-Dagestan languages.

The Soviet nationality policy merged the speakers of these languages ​​into the titular nation of Lesgier, which meant that they had to use Lesgic as the written and teaching language. However, the adjustment of these peoples to the Lesgier failed, which is why they are today again considered independent peoples.


  • Rudolf A. Mark : The peoples of the former Soviet Union / CIS. The nationalities of the CIS, Georgia and the Baltic republics. A lexicon . Opladen 1992.
  • Wolfgang Schulze: The language of the Uden in North Azerbaijan . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1982.

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