Tabassaran language

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Spoken in

Dagestan ( Russian Federation )
speaker approx. 95,000
Official status
Recognized minority /
regional language in
Dagestani flag Dagestan
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Tabassaran belongs to the Lesgian languages , a subgroup of the Northeast Caucasian (post-Dagestan) language family. It is spoken by around 95,000 people in the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan in Russia .

Scripture, linguistic situation

Tabassaran (No. 13) in the environment of the Northeast Caucasian language family

Tabassaran became a written language only in 1932 - initially based on the Latin alphabet . In 1938 the change to the Cyrillic alphabet took place . The basis was the larger of the two Tabassaran dialects, the actual Tabassaran (with additions to the second dialect, Chanagic). Chanagic and Tabassaran are very different dialects. In addition to Tabassaran, many Tabassarans also speak Azerbaijani and Russian .

А а Аь аь Б б В в Г г Гъ гъ Гь гь Д д
Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Къ къ
Кь кь КӀ кӀ Л л М м Н н О о П п ПӀ пӀ
Р р С с Т т ТӀ тӀ У у Уь уь Ф ф Х х
Хъ хъ Хь хь Ц ц ЦӀ цӀ Ч ч ЧӀ чӀ Ш ш Щ щ
ъ ы ь Э э Ю ю Я я Ӏ '

Tabassaran has about 48 nominal cases, but well over half of the cases are locative , meaning the position or a direction of movement (see also the example of the Lacic language ). Tabassaran is therefore important for the case theory of general linguistics , which explores which cases are theoretically possible at all.

Individual evidence

  1. According to the Dagestan Constitution, "Russian and the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Dagestan" are official languages. See also Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use : Respublika Dagestan. Land of Mountains: Mountain of Languages , 2004 (PDF; 307 kB), p. 5
  2. ^ Georgij A. Klimov: Introduction to Caucasian Linguistics. Hamburg 1994, p. 147.


  • AA Magometov: Tabasaransky jazyk . Tbilisi 1965. (Tabassaran grammar written in Russian)

Web links