Linda Söffker

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Linda Söffker (born 1969 in Eberswalde ) is a German festival curator and curator of film series. Since 2010 she has been responsible for the Perspektive Deutsches Kino series at the Berlin International Film Festival . She lives in Berlin .

Life and work

Linda Söffker first grew up in her hometown of Eberswalde, then moved with her parents to Frankfurt (Oder) and attended a natural science high school there. After graduating from high school, she studied business informatics in Berlin-Karlshorst . After the fall of the Berlin Wall , she switched to the Department of Culture and Theater Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Parallel to her studies, she was already working as a student assistant curatorial for film series in the Zeughauskino of the German Historical Museum in Berlin. In 1999 Linda Söffker moved to the organization office of the Berlinale, from 2002 she worked for the Perspective German Cinema section under the direction of Alfred Holighaus . After Holighaus left, she took over the management of the section in 2010.

According to the Berlinale profile, Linda Söffker has also been involved in production management and curatorial work at various festivals since 1998, such as Doku.arts, the international festival for films on art, which initially took place at the Akademie der Künste (Berlin) , and later ins Zeughauskino changed, or in 2016 as part of a three-person board of trustees that was responsible for the provisional management of the Hof Film Festival in 2016. She is also a member of various film and funding juries, e. B. in the BKM funding commission for production and screenplay, the feature film jury of the Austrian Film Prize 2007 and the jury of the Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt (Main) International 2016.

Together with Ralph Eue, she published a book about Aki Kaurismäki in 2006 . She also writes texts for cinema programs for the Filmarchiv Austria , the Zeughauskino and, since 2008, in cooperation with Alfred Holighaus, the program for the German Film Award and for film magazines such as Recherche Film und Fernsehen and


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carolin Weidner: Young Germans at the Berlinale: Let drift towards home. In: February 22, 2020, accessed February 23, 2020 .
  2. Claudia Palma and Tiziana Zugaro: Experiments are welcome! In: Andreas Tai, January 31, 2014, accessed February 27, 2020 .
  3. Linda Söffker (Head of the Berlinale Perspective Section) in an interview. In: February 3, 2011, accessed February 27, 2020 .
  4. Hof International Film Festival. Media coverage 2016. In: Hof International Film Festival Cine Center Hof eV, accessed on February 27, 2020 .
  5. Patronage & Jury. In: Lights - Filmkultur eV, accessed on February 27, 2020 .
  6. Dietmar Kammerer: An indestructible laconic. In: - the daily newspaper. October 12, 2006, accessed February 23, 2020 .