Lisl Gaal

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Ilse Lisl Gaal , née Ilse Novak (born January 17, 1924 in Vienna , Austria ) is an Austrian-American mathematician and university professor. She was the first woman to earn a tenure-track position in mathematics from Cornell University and is an emeritus associate professor at the University of Minnesota .

life and work

Gaal moved with her family to New York City before Germany's invasion of Austria . In 1944 she received a bachelor's degree from Hunter College and received her PhD in 1948 from Radcliff College with Lynn Loomis with the dissertation On the Consistency of Goedel's Axioms for Class and Set Theory Relative to a Weaker Set of Axioms . 1950 to 1951 she spent an academic year in Berkeley , where she befriended the mathematician Julia Robinson . In 1953, she and her husband, mathematician Steven Gaal , accepted positions at Cornell University and were promoted to assistant professors the following year. She was the first woman to receive this title in the math department, and in 1956 she was the first woman to oversee Angelo Margaris' doctorate. In 1957 she went with her husband to the University of Minnesota, where she is an emeritus associate professor.



  • Constance Reid: Julia: A Life in Mathematics, MAA Spectrum, Cambridge University Press, p. 84, 1996, ISBN 9780883855201
  • Constance Reid, Martin Davis et al .: Julia - a life in Mathematics, Washington DC 1997, ISBN 0-88385-520-8 .

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