Listán de Huelva

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Listán de Huelva is an autochthonous white wine variety from southern Spain . It is very similar to the Listán variety , but is recognized as a separate variety by the ampelographers Hidalgo and Garcia de Luján. It is mainly cultivated in the Condado de Huelva wine-growing region in Andalusia . The planted area is around 200 hectares (as of 1998).

Synonyms: none known

Ampelographic varietal characteristics

In ampelography , the habitus is described as follows:

  • The shoot tip is open. She is hairy white wool. The yellowish-green young leaves are only slightly hairy on the upper side and speckled bronze (anthocyanin spots).
  • The medium-sized to large leaves are five-lobed and indented to a medium depth. The stem bay is open V -shaped. The blade is bluntly serrated. The teeth are medium-sized compared to the grape varieties.
  • The cone-shaped grape is medium in size, shouldered and moderately dense. The round berries are medium-sized and yellowish-green in color. The berry peel is crisp and firm.

The grape variety ripens around 20 days after the Gutedel and is therefore considered to ripen almost late in international comparison.


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