List of ophthalmic examination devices
This list is used for quick orientation with regard to the examination equipment used in ophthalmology .
- Cover disc (aid for the determination of strabismus diseases )
- Accommodation meter (device for determining the near point of accommodation and the width of accommodation)
- Amsler grid (tool for a rough examination of central visual field areas , especially for early diagnosis of macular degeneration )
- Anomaloscope (device for examining color vision )
- Applanation tonometer (device for measuring intraocular pressure )
- Bonoscope (bright light source for pupil diagnosis and for indirect ophthalmoscopy )
- Chiroscope (simple orthoptic training device for carrying out motor and sensory binocular training)
- Desmarres'scher Lidhalter (aid for double ectropionation of the upper eyelid )
- Deviometer (examination device for measuring rotational squint angles )
- Double mirror viewer (device for ophthalmoscopic examination of retinal correspondence)
- Dark red glass (highly dissociating color filter for assessing squint deviations , double image position and retinal correspondence)
- Dynamic Contour Tonometer (device for measuring intraocular pressure )
- Single prism (tool for measuring squint angles )
- Euthyscope (device used to treat amblyopia )
- Exophthalmometer (device for measuring the position of the globe in the orbit )
- Farnsworth test (test to test color vision)
- Frenzel glasses (special glasses for testing physiological or pathological nystagmus )
- Fresnel prism (tool for measuring squint angles )
- Fundus camera (device for visual documentation of the fundus )
- Gonioscope (device for examining the chamber angle )
- Haidinger tufts (entoptic phenomenon for testing fixation )
- Haploscope (device for examining and treating binocular vision )
- Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) (confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope)
- Light red glass (low dissociating color filter for assessing squint deviations , double image position and retinal correspondence)
- Impression tonometer (device for measuring intraocular pressure )
- Ishihara color chart (tool for testing color vision)
- Keratograph (instrument for recording corneal topography )
- Contact glass (device for examining the peripheral retina and the chamber angle )
- Long stereo test Examination of spatial vision
- Lantern test (Beyne) Device for testing color vision
- Lichtschweifglas (device for examining binocular vision )
- Maddox cross (examination environment for measuring squint angles and the position of double images )
- Maddox cylinder (tool for determining rotational squint angles )
- Mesoptometer (device for examining twilight vision and glare sensitivity)
- After-image flash unit (special flash light for assessing after-image localization and retinal correspondence)
- Non-contact tonometer (device for measuring intraocular pressure )
- Nyctometer (device for examining twilight vision and glare sensitivity)
- Ophthalmometer (device for measuring the curvature of the cornea )
- Ophthalmoscope (device for direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy )
- Optometer (device for determining the far and near point)
- Pachymeter (device for measuring corneal thickness )
- Perimeter (device for checking the field of vision )
- Phase difference haploscope (device for testing the various functions of binocular vision )
- Phoropter (device for subjective refraction measurement )
- Pleoptophore (device used to treat amblyopia )
- Polarization glasses (aids for examining binocular vision in connection with different test procedures)
- Prism bar (tool for measuring squint angles )
- Trial frame (special eyeglass frame for subjective lens determination)
- Refractometer (device for the objective measurement of the refraction ratios)
- Retinometer (device for examining the resolution of the retina )
- Red-green glasses (aids for examining binocular vision in conjunction with various test procedures)
- Lensmeter (device for measuring spectacle lenses )
- Schiötz tonometer (special → impression tonometer )
- Chart projector (device for displaying optotypes for determining visual acuity )
- Retinoscope (device for determining the objective refraction )
- Slit lamp (device for examining the anterior, middle and posterior segments of the eye)
- Stenopean gap (aid for differential diagnostic clarification of visual acuity reduction )
- Synoptometer (haploscope for analyzing eye motility )
- Synoptophor (device for examining the various functions of binocular vision )
- Tangent table according to Harms (free space examination environment for creating motility analyzes in different viewing directions)
- TNO test (to test spatial vision using red-green glasses)
- Titmus test (to test spatial vision using polarization glasses)
- Tonometer (generic term for devices for measuring intraocular pressure )