List of architectural monuments in Gangelt

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of architectural monuments in Gangelt contains the listed buildings in the area of ​​the community Gangelt in the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of September 2011). These architectural monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the Gangelt community; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Registered
Altenburg House Altenburg House Breberen
Altenburgstrasse 24
The building, which dates from the 18th century, is a formerly water-fortified castle. The two-storey mansion with a hipped roof, with two-axis side elevations and a three-axis middle section in brick, the right side elevation and the portal in bluestone walls. The three-wing courtyard is connected to the manor house by a brick bridge. The buildings are also two-story. The year 1782 can be found in anchor pins on one building. 1782 0Oct. 4, 1985 31

cross cross Schierwaldenrath
Am Bahnhof 13
Neo-Gothic cast iron cross with body, stone base with plaque, inscription with year 1884 Nov 28, 1986 49

cross cross Broichhoven
Am Bollberg
Cross with body, wood, the year is no longer legible. 19th century Nov 28, 1986 27

Field cross Field cross Harzelt
Am Feldkreuz
Cast iron cross with body, the figure of Mary at the bottom of the cross, base in brick, probably new. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 43

Jewish Cemetery Jewish Cemetery Gangelt
on the B 56
Gravestones from around 1879. 1879 Nov 28, 1986 13

Wayside chapel Wayside chapel Stand
at the B 56
Chapel around 1900, roof with cement pillars, inside cross with body around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 55

Catholic Church of St. Maternus Catholic Church of St. Maternus Breberen
The Catholic Church from 1827–1830 is a single-nave hall with a retracted choir from 1889–1899. Reconstruction in 1948–1949. The surrounding cemetery with an old wall has some old tombstones, but otherwise all of them have been newly occupied. 1827-1830 Nov 28, 1986 29

Wayside cross Wayside cross Birgden
Bahnhofstrasse / Großer Pley
Neo-Gothic cast iron cross with body, on stone with cement base. Second half of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 17th

Wayside cross Wayside cross Birgden
Cast iron with body, on the trunk niche with figure of Mary. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 19th

Holy House Holy House Birgden
Late 19th century, brick Late 19th century Nov 28, 1986 18th

pump pump Birgden
Bahnhofstrasse 27
Mid-19th century, cast iron. Mid 19th century Nov 28, 1986 21st

Former elementary school Former elementary school Langbroich
Brauereistraße 1
Eaves two-storey brick building in four axes on a rectangular floor plan with a gable roof, probably around 1845; in the main front three large windows with segmental lintels; the side entrance forms the second axis of the ground floor; the structure of the 1840s still clearly preserved in disposition and substance; Inside, the floor plan of a large classroom on the street side of the ground floor and a rear staircase with a historic wooden staircase of significant testimony value for the building type have been preserved, and the roof structure has also been preserved. 1845 26th Mar 1998 69

Brick yard Brick yard Schierwaldenrath
Bröckerstraße 55
1855; Four-wing brick courtyard, at the front a residential stable house, the living part is two-story in four axes, window sills and door frames in bluestone. Next to it a gate entrance, on the end stone of the gate entrance the year 1855, next to the four-winged courtyard a further wing with a gate entrance. 1855 Nov 28, 1986 51

cross cross Broichhoven
Broichhoven 13
Wooden cross with body on the year 1772. A monogram and the year 1772 in the trunk 1772 Nov 28, 1986 28

Break gate Break gate Gangelt
The city was founded around 1243. The almost 800 year old city wall shows that Gangelt was an important place in the Middle Ages that had to be protected by a fortification. During a tour you can still see the remains of walls, gates, alleys and towers impressively. One had access to the city through 4 tower gates. Heinsberger Tor and Bruchtor have been preserved to this day. The Sittarder Tor was demolished in 1818. The castle was integrated into the city fortifications. Its origins go back to the 14th century. The donjon, which originally housed rooms, is still preserved today. 15th century Nov 22, 1990 61

Chapel of the Maria Hilf Hospital Chapel of the Maria Hilf Hospital Gangelt
Bruchstrasse 6
Around 1900, neo-Gothic building with roof turrets. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 2

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Bruchstrasse 19
Two-storey brick house in five axes. Windowsills in bluestone, the rear part has been renewed. 19th century Nov 28, 1986 6th

Castle tower in the castle area Castle tower in the castle area Gangelt
Five-storey brick tower from around 1400. First mentioned in 1364. The castle was integrated into the city fortifications.

The city was founded around 1243. The almost 800 year old city wall shows that Gangelt was an important place in the Middle Ages that had to be protected by a fortification. During a tour you can still see the remains of walls, gates, alleys and towers impressively. One had access to the city through 4 tower gates. Heinsberger Tor and Bruchtor have been preserved to this day. The Sittarder Tor was demolished in 1818. The castle was integrated into the city fortifications. Its origins go back to the 14th century. The donjon, which originally housed rooms, is still preserved today.

around 1400 Nov 28, 1986 15th

Former elementary school Former elementary school Gangelt
Burgstrasse 6
In keeping with its urban character in the Middle Ages, Gangelt also has an old school tradition. Already a source of the 14th century. (1351) records a “rector scolarum”, but the local school system may be even older; In the 16th century (1533) a town school is documented in Gangelt. Kritzraedt writes in his chronicle that “such a famous school was and was held in the town of Gangelt that so many excellent noble and unadulterated children were sent here from other places and instructed to the extent that they were promoted to high schools” (cited above. n. Schleyer 1933, p. 73)

In 1847 a Catholic boys' school was founded. After lessons were first given in the parish office and then in other buildings, the school building, which is still in use today, was built in 1911/12 in front of the Heinsberger Tor on a parish property. In 1955 the high school for boys was converted into a private, and in 1966 into a public secondary school (extension in 1969)

The old elementary or elementary school system, which was common under the umbrella of the Catholic Church, was put on a foundation in Prussia by the introduction of compulsory schooling in 1826. In Gangelt, the sources record the demolition of an old schoolhouse in the churchyard in 1832. In 1902/03 the primary school was rebuilt between the church and the castle tower.

Burgstrasse, former elementary school. Two-storey plastered brick building, built in 1902/03, on a rectangular floor plan with a gable roof. The ground floor is completely clad with brick, while the upper floor is plastered white, divided into fields (corresponding to the window axes) by pilaster strips, window frames and eaves friezes made of brick. The wide gables are accentuated by stepped acroteria-like brickwork. The gable of the dwelling, in which the uniaxial risalit of the main entrance ends, is crowned by such a top.

This entrance is located on the eaves side facing the neighboring church and the village. The probably original two-winged wooden entrance door with skylight and segmented arch can be reached through a pointed arch portal with a natural stone wedge (in it the year 1903); the small open anteroom is tiled up to half the height, the pointed arch motif of the portal is taken up again in the glass inserts of the door. Above the pointed arch portal, three windows coupled by a segmental arch and above in the gable of the dwelling once again emphasize the central axis.

In addition to the striking interplay of brick and plastered surfaces, the structure is characterized by the large window openings that are characteristic of a school building that is dependent on good lighting. Although these are largely based on a regular axis and size scheme, in (functionally conditioned) individual cases they are also omitted or replaced by blind windows (sva the gable ends). The entrance side shows two-sashed windows, the eaves facing away from the building three-part, in the gables both types are mixed. The ground floor wall to the left of the main entrance is not windowed, but there is an inscription stone with the motto “We do not learn for school but for life. 1903 ". The large roof areas that characterize the structure do not have any extensions. A second (secondary) entrance is located on the rear gable side, the staircase of which can be read through the window distribution in the wall surface. This side staircase, which originally belonged to the apartment, is still preserved today with an ornamented tiled floor, wooden stairs with turned balusters and a double-leaf door with a skylight to the class wing. Part of the interior was not accessible during the tour, others have already been modernized. As a former elementary school in the village with its centuries-old school tradition, the Mercator School (Burgstrasse) is important for Gangelt. If you look at the eye-catching and high-quality architectural design z. B. in comparison with the only slightly younger (1911/12) secondary school at the same place (Mercatorstraße), it becomes clear that this building is still completely in the late historical tradition of the turn of the century. Particularly characteristic are the "picturesque" ornamental interplay of brick and plaster elements and the not always regular window distribution in the facade surface. There is a public interest in its preservation and use for scientific reasons, in particular for reasons of local history and the history of architecture. It is therefore an architectural monument in accordance with § 2 of the Monument Protection Act NW.

1902/1903 22 Sep 2004 74

cross cross Schierwaldenrath
end of the Oberstrasse
Neo-Gothic cast iron cross with body, the base expanded like an altar and new. Second half of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 50

Brick residential house Brick residential house Gangelt
Franz-Savels-Straße 30
Three-wing courtyard that was built at the beginning of the 19th century. The two-story brick house with three window axes has an arched gate on the left. The inner walls of the courtyard are made of half-timbering, as are the dividing walls in the house. The ceilings still have a Cologne ceiling design. Beginning of the 19th century June 10, 1998 68

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Freihof 2
1878 (inscription star). Three-storey brick house in five axes. Door frames and window sills in bluestone. With shop fitting. 1878 Nov 28, 1986 5

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Freihof 27
Buildings 27-29 are a three-wing courtyard. There is still an old oven in the vaulted cellar. The baroque tail gables show that the property is already old. 17th century Feb 14, 1992 65

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Freihof 29
Buildings 27 - 29 are three-wing courtyards. There is still an old oven in the vaulted cellar. The baroque tail gables show that the property is already old. 17th century Feb 14, 1992 66

Brick courtyard Brick courtyard Hastenrath
Gangelter Strasse 5
Three-wing brick courtyard from the 18th century. The one-and-a-half-story house is gable in two window axes. The rest of the framework are still in the masonry. Arched gate entrance in the street-side utility wing. Half-timbered barn filled with bricks. The object represents one of the oldest courtyards in Hastenrath and is therefore of importance for the history of Hastenrath. 18th century Nov 28, 1986 38

cross cross Kreuzrath
Ganterheide 18
Wooden cross with corpus from the beginning of the 19th century, dated 1803. 1803 Nov 28, 1986 40

former gatehouse former gatehouse Birgden
Geilenkirchener Strasse 29
Former gatehouse of the factory, Geilenkirchener Strasse 29; four-axis, two-storey brick building with pilasters and cornices; Block frieze under the eaves, segmental arch lintels: crooked hip roof. Late 19th century Oct 16, 1987 26th

former civil servants' residence former civil servants' residence Birgden
Geilenkirchener Strasse 36
Former official residence of the factory, Geilenkirchener Str. 36; built as a semi-detached house; two: two-axis, two-story brick building with pilasters and cornices; Block frieze under the eaves; Segment arch falls; particularly emphasized; two round false openings in the gable; Crooked hip roof. Nov 28, 1986 22nd

former civil servants' residence former civil servants' residence Birgden
Geilenkirchener Strasse 38
Former official residence of the factory, Geilenkirchener Str. 36; built as a semi-detached house; two: two-axis, two-story brick building with pilasters and cornices; Block frieze under the eaves; Segment arch falls; particularly emphasized; two round false openings in the gable; Crooked hip roof. Nov 28, 1986 23

villa villa Birgden
Geilenkirchener Strasse 75
It is a management building from the end of the 19th century, brick, two storeys, four axes, entrance with a protruding canopy, friezes in brickwork, projecting gable in the central axis, entrance and windows with segmental arches. at the end of the 19th century Apr 15, 1986 24

villa villa Birgden
Geilenkirchener Strasse 77
It is a management building from the end of the 19th century, brick, two storeys, four axes, entrance with a protruding canopy, friezes in brickwork, projecting gable in the central axis, entrance and windows with segmental arches. at the end of the 19th century Apr 15, 1986 25th

Residential building Residential building Gangelt
Hanxlerstrasse 12
The Hanxlerstrasse property is a two-storey residential building in three axes. The extensive preservation and the clearly legible affiliation of the building to the Bahnhof / Heinsberger Tor ensemble make the building important for Gangelt and its residents. Feb 14, 1992 63

Station building (type station) Station building (type station) Gangelt
Hanxlerstrasse 15
The discontinuation of the railway line led to the change and removal of a number of station buildings on the Geilenkirchener Kreisbahn. The Gangelter facility has largely been preserved with its reception building and goods hall. The station buildings of the small railway line Geilenkirchen via Gangelt to Tüddern (border station to Holland) in Gangelt represent the only surviving version of the type stations of the Geilenkirchener Kreisbahn.

The entrance building is given its unmistakable character by the corner axis and the plastered structure, and the goods hall by the corner pilasters and the stepped verge. The design of the exterior of the station building provides the artistic, the legibility of the development of the relatively rare station building of a small train the scientific and the location of the station directly in front of the city gate the urban planning reasons for a public interest in the maintenance and use according to §2.1 DSchG NRW.

Early 20th century Dec 27, 1999 71

Catholic Church "to the painful mother" Catholic Church "to the painful mother" Kreuzrath
The church in Kreuzrath was built in 1910 and is a neo-Gothic brick hall with a polygonal choir. Part of the benches and the high altar with the two Pieta side altars have been preserved from the original furnishings. 1910 Nov 28, 1986 39

Brick yard Brick yard Kreuzrath
Hauptstrasse 20
Three-wing brick courtyard from 1857. The two-storey house is built in 5: 3 axes and bears the year 1857 in the lintel. Door frames and window sills are in bluestone. The outbuildings are partially renewed. 1857 Nov 23, 1986 41

Brick yard Brick yard Kreuzrath
Hauptstrasse 47
It is an object from the middle of the 19th century. The four-wing brick courtyard is laid out in 5: 4 window axes. The house is two-story, door frames, window sills and lintels are in bluestone. Some of the outbuildings are younger. in the middle of the 19th century Apr 15, 1986 42

Heinsberger Gate Heinsberger Gate Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse
The city was founded around 1243. The almost 800 year old city wall shows that Gangelt was an important place in the Middle Ages that had to be protected by fortifications. During a tour you can still see the remains of walls, gates, alleys and towers impressively. One had access to the city through 4 tower gates. Heinsberger Tor and Bruchtor have been preserved to this day. The Sittarder Tor was demolished in 1818. The castle was integrated into the city fortifications. Its origins go back to the 14th century. The donjon, which originally housed rooms, is still preserved today. 15th century Nov 22, 1990 62

synagogue synagogue Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse 11
The synagogue on Heinsberger Strasse in Gangelt is, as such, of particular importance for the post-war history of Gangelt, as well as the Heinsberg district and its residents. As the only surviving synagogue in the Heinsberg district and because of its significance for the architecture of a Jewish sacred building, which is still clearly expressive despite its interim conversion, there are artistic and scientific, in particular structural reasons for the maintenance and use of the synagogue, which are of public interest according to § 2.2 DSchG NRW justify. 67

Residential building Residential building Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse 14
It is a residential building that bears the year 1608. The two-story brick house has four axes and a curved gable at the side. The facade has been partially changed on the ground floor. 1608 Nov 28, 1986 8th

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse 19
Two-storey brick house in four axes. Door frames and window sills in bluestone. 19th century Nov 28, 1986 7th

Brick building Brick building Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse 20
Two-storey brick building in four axes with a gate from 1708. Window sills and door frames are made of bluestone. The property is an indispensable part of the Heinsberger Strasse ensemble. 1708 Nov 22, 1990 60

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Heinsberger Strasse 23 and 23a
The courtyard complex Heinsberger Straße 23 in Gangelt is located within the medieval fortifications of Gangelt directly at the Heinsberger Tor and is a part of the street area of ​​the closed, eaves-facing development along Heinsberger Straße. In the street view, the complex is divided into a two-storey, broad-based residential building and a two-storey, but slightly lower, barn on the right. At the rear are further farm buildings, which are also visible from the plots and paths that adjoin them and therefore also characterize the townscape.

An inscription stone above the house entrance shows the year 1902. However, as is well known, development along Heinsberger Straße within the city fortifications can be assumed since the late Middle Ages (cf. Piepers 1967). Accordingly, on the original map from 1813, in place of the present-day courtyard, there is already a system that is remarkably exactly the same in terms of its dimensions as it is today. The year will therefore essentially relate to a fundamental renovation, and for the most part certainly also to the construction of an existing courtyard. The appearance and most of the historical building details originate from this time layer. According to local tradition, the farm is linked to the Dounen family as owners in the 20th century.

The buildings are brick-view over the base, the house has a few modest decorative shapes on the street, such as color-applied storey or combatant cornices and a block frieze on the eaves, which is also taken over on the adjoining barn building with an additional German band. On the ground floor, three windows, the deeply recessed entrance (with old front door and skylight) and a segmented arched passage with gate and raised skylight open the wall surface. The windows including the inner handles date from the construction period (1902). The window to the right of the entrance and the two outer ones on the upper floor are in three parts. The roof area is closed.

On the back of the house facing the courtyard, which is more simply designed, the openings are also not strictly axially distributed; the windows here are all double-sashed. This also shows that the passage does not serve as such, but was added to the living area (during the renovation in 1902?). Inside, separated from the street gate by its own wall, is the kitchen of the house, with a beautiful plastered beamed ceiling. Otherwise, the interior layout and numerous details from 1902 are still unchanged. The entrance to the house leads to a corridor covered with decorative tiles, the ceiling of which is set off at the side with stuccoed profiles. A round-arched passage accented with fighter capitals leads to the stairwell with the original, straight two-flight wooden staircase (with turning platform and turned balusters). A large number of old frame panel doors and walls have also been preserved. One room on the ground floor still has a stuccoed central rosette on the ceiling, the two rooms to the right of the hallway, with profiled right-angled ceiling valleys, are connected by a high double-leaf door. The rooms usually have exposed plank floors.

The upper floor with a (tapering) transverse corridor behind the staircase has a large number of (bedrooms) rooms for the former owner family with many children. In the roof, the thread of a freight elevator is evidence of past farm work.

The house has a full cellar (cap ceiling); As a curiosity, a reused baroque stair post on the basement exit is worth mentioning.

The two-storey barn adjoining the residential building on the right has a passage at its far left corner, which can also be used as such. Further segmented arched openings are available or can still be seen in the masonry. Like the other rear stables and barn buildings (with preserved stables and another small cellar), it is in a very good structural condition.

As a detail, there is an old well with a large pump in the courtyard. As an integral functional part of the courtyard and because of their character that defines the townscape, the farm buildings are a natural part of the monument. As a large historical courtyard in a striking urban location on one of the town's central street axes and directly at the Heinsberger Tor, the buildings at Heinsberger Straße 23 are important for Gangelt. It is a courtyard complex from 1902 that has been extensively preserved down to the smallest detail, possibly with older elements, in any case incorporating similar predecessor buildings. There is therefore a public interest in their preservation and use for scientific, here architectural and historical reasons. There are urban planning reasons for this, as the courtyard is an indispensable part and focal point of the historic townscape of Gangelt due to its size that defines the street space and in the immediate vicinity of the Heinsberger Tor. According to the requirements of § 2 (1) Monument Protection Act NW, it is therefore a monument.

1864 March 12 2002 73

former school grounds former school grounds Brüxgen
Hochstrasse 28
It is a school building, core from the middle of the 19th century, single storey, expanded to two storeys in 1913, brick in the middle of the 19th century Apr 15, 1986 32

Wayside cross Wayside cross Brüxgen
Hochstrasse 28
Wood with body 1913 Nov 28, 1986 34

Chapel integrated into the cemetery wall Chapel integrated into the cemetery wall Langbroich
Im Heggen
Chapel in neo-Gothic forms in brick, integrated into the cemetery wall, the ogival entrance with tracery grille; Gable roof; Block frieze. Early 20th century Nov 28, 1986 47

Catholic Church of St. Mary Conception Catholic Church of St. Mary Conception Langbroich
Im Heggen
Neo-Gothic brick hall with west tower and polygonal choir, early 20th century, in brick, integrated into the cemetery wall, the cemetery around the parish church was re-occupied. Early 20th century Nov 28, 1986 44

Residential building Residential building Langbroich
Im Heggen 4
1857 and 1953, two-storey in five axes, door walls and window sills in bluestone, with an auxiliary building behind around 1857 Nov 28, 1986 45

Chapel Chapel Langbroich
Im Heggen / Im Winkel
Closed brick, inside a contemporary crucifix with body. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 46

Wayside cross Wayside cross Neighborhood
In Neighborhood
Cast and wrought iron cross with body, cement base at the end of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 35

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Kirchstrasse 2, 3 and 4
Two-storey brick house with eleven window axes, the five central axes are advanced in different ways. 1900 Nov 28, 1986 10

Catholic Church of St. Nicholas Catholic Church of St. Nicholas Gangelt
Nave and tower from the 14th century, Westjoch 1518/1519. Three-aisled brick basilica with polygonal choir and west tower, inside plaster, neo-Gothic fittings. There are still some old gravestones in the cemetery surrounding the church. 14th century Nov 28, 1986 1

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Kirchstrasse 5
Two-storey residential building in six axes in brick. The house is coated in white with bluestone walls 18th century Nov 28, 1986 9

chapel chapel Birgden
Brick, in the chapel a wooden cross with a colored body, also 18th century 18th century Nov 28, 1986 20th

Catholic Church of St. Urban Catholic Church of St. Urban Birgden
Kreuzstrasse 17
Three-aisled, neo-Gothic hall church with a polygonal choir and an older brick west tower. Columns are built into the interior of the church as supports. Around the church are the remains of the old cemetery with some gravestones from the 18th century. The parish church has a transept on the outside that does not appear on the inside. 15th century Nov 28, 1986 16

Wayside cross Wayside cross Gangelt
Cast and wrought iron cross with crucifix. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 4th

Catholic Church of St. Joseph Catholic Church of St. Joseph Hastenrath
Single-nave neo-Gothic church with transept and polygonal choir from 1869. Some old pews, confessionals and the organ stage have been preserved from the furnishings, the year 1869 in the tympanum of the entrance portal. 1869 Nov 28, 1986 36

Residential building Residential building Gangelt
Markt 3
Core from the 16th and 17th centuries, the facade from the 19th and 20th centuries Core from the 16th and 17th centuries, the facade from the 19th and 20th centuries Nov 28, 1986 11

Former  Restaurant "Bij Trautche" Former Restaurant "Bij Trautche" Gangelt
Mercatorstrasse 1
The acute-angled corner property between Mercatorstrasse and Kritzraedter Strasse is at the gates of the medieval town fortifications of Gangelt. Oral local tradition dates the building back to the 18th century, but the Tranchot plan from 1804/05 does not yet show any development or suburban settlement in front of the Heinsberger Tor. Only the original map of 1813 contains several buildings here, at the convergence of the streets of Heinsberg and Birgden, including the corner house in question on the acute-angled floor plan as it is today. It is anchored in the tradition of Gangelt as a restaurant "By Trautche", which existed until around the mid-1990s.

The two-storey main house, four irregular window axes wide, has a flat gable roof facing the Mercatorstrasse and thus the city side. Around 1900 its facade was given a stucco cladding typical of the time. The free-standing left gable on the street corner as well as the rear parts of the building, initially two-story, then one-story, are brick-facing and, as former service areas, barely windowed through.

The entrance front shows on the ground floor and as narrow corner pilasters a pecked plaster band, plinth, storey and eaves cornices are also indicated by the plaster. The windows and the entrance door were provided with wide, drilled plaster frames, which are made of wedge stones with different, z. T. (ground floor window with saddle cloths) Art Nouveau stylized hangings are crowned. An old entrance door (frame-filling type with rosette motifs) leads in the second axis from the right into the entrance hall, which still has terrazzo floor, probably also from the renovation around 1900. In the left part of the building there are two larger rooms of the former restaurant that are connected by a wide passage with sliding door. Plastered beam ceilings are left visible in some rooms. The entrance hall leads straight ahead into a back courtyard, from which tapped half-timbering can be seen on the unplastered rear of the house, which indicates the older construction period before 1815, the cellar is vaulted with a round or basket barrel. A few older double-sash windows with split skylights have been preserved in the service wings. As a traditional, popular restaurant "By Trautche", the building Gerhard-Mercator-Str. For Gangelt, 1 means architectural and settlement history, with its two distinctive construction phases before 1815 and around 1900, it bears witness to the development in front of the city gates. In view of the Heinsberger Tor, it is also of urban significance at the meeting of several, also historical paths / streets. It is therefore a monument in accordance with Section 2 (1) of the Monument Protection Act.

1813 March 12 2002 72

Residential house with forge Residential house with forge Langbroich
Mittelstraße 10
Two-storey house in five axes. Windowsills and door frames in bluestone. The eaves-facing house is adorned with a block frieze on the eaves. The house has a gable roof. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 58

Windmill Windmill Breberen
Tower windmill built in 1827 from brick. The mill was restored in 1950. 1827 July 18, 1986 30th

cross cross Stand
north of the B 56
Cast and wrought iron cross with a body from the second half of the 19th century. Second half of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 56

Hail cross Hail cross Schierwaldenrath
Northwest of the location
Cast iron with body, base renewed. around 1900 Nov 28, 1986 52

cross cross Gangelt
northwest of Kievelberg
On a new wooden cross, a body probably from the first half of the 19th century, also made of wood first half of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 37

Catholic Church of St. Anna Catholic Church of St. Anna Schierwaldenrath
Oberstrasse 4
1887-1889 (E. Schüller) W. 1948 (Jung); Neo-Gothic hall church, the interior and the portal completely redesigned after 1945. Inside a Gothic bust reliquary made of wood, ss, probably 14th century. around 1887–1889 Nov 28, 1986 48

Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity Stahe
The parish church in Stahe is a neo-Gothic brick hall church with a transept and polygonal apse from 1913/1914. 1913/1914 Nov 28, 1986 54

Wooden cross Wooden cross Stahe
Rodebachstrasse 63
Wooden cross with body on a stone base from 1835 1835 Nov 28, 1986 57

pump pump Breberen
Römerstrasse 9
Cast iron pump from the mid-19th century. in the middle of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 33

cross cross Gangelt
L 227 north of the location
Cast iron with body. The cross was damaged in a traffic accident and restored. in the middle of the 19th century Nov 28, 1986 3

Powder tower and city wall Powder tower and city wall Gangelt
The city was founded around 1243. The almost 800 year old city wall shows that Gangelt was an important place in the Middle Ages that had to be protected by a fortification. During a tour you can still see the remains of walls, gates, alleys and towers impressively. One had access to the city through 4 tower gates. Heinsberger Tor and Bruchtor have been preserved to this day. The Sittarder Tor was demolished in 1818. The castle was integrated into the city fortifications. Its origins go back to the 14th century. The donjon, which originally housed rooms, is still preserved today. 15th century March 12 2002 75

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Selfkantstraße 41
No information on the monument Feb 14, 1992 64

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Sittarder Strasse 4
Gangelt is a royal property mentioned by Einhard in 827. 1144 it is mentioned in the Annales Rodenses . King Conrad III. assigns the Duke of Limburg to Count Goswien II von Heinsberg, relatively unsuccessfully, to take Gangelt away again. After it had been a Brabant pledge for a while, Gangelt returned to Heinsberg in 1420 and with him to Jülich-Berg in 1472. The Lords of Heinsberg promoted the city development. The sovereign castle existed in 1364 and the city wall and the gates can be proven to have existed around 1420.

Today's Sittarder Straße was originally an intramuros street. Only with the construction of the Prussian streets after the city walls were lifted did it become Gangelt's main thoroughfare. This also changed the existing buildings here. Shops moved into former agricultural or commercial buildings and from now on shaped the appearance of the buildings on Sittarder Straße.

Only a few buildings were spared these interventions. So Sittarder Strasse 4.

Opposite the town hall, the largest Gangelter courtyard complex had been preserved, on the corner of Sittarder Strasse and the alley connecting the market and Wallstrasse. Like its neighboring complex, courtyard no. 4 had a gate in the left axis until the fire in 1870, which can still be seen today from the partial basement. The basement of the original residential building with a arched barrel made of field fire bricks parallel to the street connects to a basement in the shape of the late 18th century. Wide-span basket arch belt arches supported intermediate caps. After the fire, the two-and-a-half-storey representative house was built in its current location. The five-axis facade is divided into two side projections. The base of this house was made in bluestone when it was built. The same material was used for the cornices installed in the level of the floors. The arched lintels are emphasized on the first floor by a strip of brick framing the lintel, as is typical of the time. The two-winged front door in the left outer axis and the crooked hip roof also emphasize the design requirements of the client, which is also reflected in the coupled outer axes of the courtyard view with the blue stone pillars placed between them and the stately interior staircase with the carved beginnings of the banister, the supraports and the stucco can be read from the ceilings of the street-side rooms.

The other buildings in the irregular four-sided courtyard complex still contain the brickwork of the previous complex, but according to the girder cap ceilings and the arched openings as well as part of the roof structure, they were also built in the second half of the 19th century.

The courtyard complex was already included in the complete list of all Gangelter monuments from January 24, 1984. Because of their design, there is a public interest in their preservation and use for artistic and scientific, especially architectural-historical reasons. This also applies to the history of Gangelt and its inhabitants. The owners of the farm, which was also Gangelt Castle, documented its importance with an imposing tomb above a crypt by the church. As already applied for in 1982, I recommend that the Lower Monument Authority place the aforementioned property under the protection of the law

second half of the 19th century July 13, 1998 70

Chapel Chapel Vinteln
Chapel from 1880 with donors above the entrance. 1880 Nov 28, 1986 14th

Courtyard Courtyard Gangelt
Wallstrasse 19
Four-wing courtyard, on the street side a two-story brick building in 2: 4 axes, gate entrance, window sills and door frames are made of bluestone. The property is an indispensable part of the Wallstrasse ensemble. 1608 Nov 22, 1990 59

Brick house Brick house Gangelt
Wallstrasse 25
Two-storey brick house in four axes. Door frames and window sills in bluestone. Gate entrance. 19th century Nov 28, 1986 12

Brick courtyard Brick courtyard Gangelt
Buscherheide 22
4-wing brick courtyard, street front residential building with adjoining passage under a shared saddle roof, 2-storey in 9 axes, in the third axis from the left gate entrance, door frames and window sills in bluestone; the year 1880 in the end of the gate. Rear building younger, cubature within the entire complex worth preserving. Inside the residential building remains of old building fabric (e.g. beam ceiling, cellar).

Significant for Gangelt as a large historical courtyard that characterizes the townscape. Worth preserving for reasons of building history and urban planning (site maintenance).

1880 Oct 22, 2012 76

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