List of mountains or elevations in Sudan

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This is a (so far incomplete) list of mountains or elevations in Sudan . It includes the highest peaks in the North African country of Sudan.

The preface Dschebel , Jebel , Jabal , Gebel or similar is always left out of the article names, as all these words are derived from the Arabic word mountain .

Mountains by geography

Mountains in the north

Mountains in the west

Mountains in Central Sudan

Mountains in the east

  • Jazira Plain between the Blue and White Nile
    • Muya ( 664  m ) (also Mayyah or Moya)
  • Butana region
    • Qeili ( 539  m ) (also Qeli or Keheili)

Mountains according to height

mountain Height in meters
Marra 3088  m
Oweinat 1934  m
Temading 1460  m
ad-dair 1451  m
Muya 664  m
Qeili 539  m
Barkal 287  m