List of soil monuments in Sangerhausen

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In the list of ground monuments in Sangerhausen , all ground monuments of the city of Sangerhausen and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monument list as of February 25, 2016. The architectural monuments are listed in the list of cultural monuments in Sangerhausen .

Monument ID Find type District designation Time position location Remarks image
428300478 Fortification> castle Wolfsberg Spornburg "Schloßberg" middle Ages east over Wolfsberg The complex is built over by a fairground, the remains of the castle can only be guessed at (two trenches to the east, remains of the foundations southwest of the fairground).
428300479 Fortification> castle Passport breach Spornburg "Neuhaus" middle Ages 1.5 km northeast of Wolfsberg changed by manor buildings
428300470 special stone Sangerhausen Menhir / nail stone middle Ages north-western outskirts, way to Lengefeld Street: At Weinlager 22.24 - large menhir next to a 15 m high fir tree, material: quartzitic sandstone; Dimensions: Width: 1.63 m; Height: 1.95 m; Thickness: 0.76 m. Menhir I from Sangerhausen 2008.jpg
428300632 Fortification> castle Wippra Spornburg "Altenburg" undated 1.5 km west of the place
428300444 Fortification> castle Morungen Spornburg "Schloßberg" middle Ages Has an extension of 180 m (WO) and 120 m (SN), it is a main castle with the remains of a keep and also outer walls to the main castle. The main and outer bailey are separated by a moat.
428300631 Fortification> castle Wippra Spornburg "pulpit" undated 1.0 km west of the place Take the hiking trail on the former Lertts in a westerly direction.
428300630 Fortification> castle Wippra Spornburg "Old Castle" middle Ages north above the village Remains of the foundations of the former castle can still be found on the castle hill.
428300633 Fortification> castle Wippra "New Castle" ramparts undated 1.0 km from the place on Klausstr. (Harzhochstrasse / B242) rectangular ramparts, unfinished fortress from the 16th century
428300445 Fortification> castle Morungen Spornburg 'Sachsenburg' (castle wall on the Sachsenkopf) middle Ages 1.0 km northeast of Morungen Motte / castle hill with partly two walls, about 30 m in diameter, heavily overgrown. Is referred to as Sachsen- and also Schwedenschanze.
428300428 Fortification> castle Pölsfeld Spornburg "Grillenburg" middle Ages east over the place GRILLENBERG Remnants of ruins, kennels and wall barriers in brick construction
428300429 Fortification> castle Pölsfeld Castle wall "Wolfsgrube" Prehistory and early history 0.4 km east of GRILLENBERG, about 300 m east of the Grillenburg Rectangular hill Ramparts difficult to locate
428300431 Desolation Pölsfeld Desert " Hohenrode " middle Ages 1.3 km northwest of GRILLENBERG, around a basin several farms Wall remains of 4 excavated buildings exist Wuestung Hohenrode Wohnhaus.jpg
428300432 Desolation Pölsfeld " Brumbach " desert middle Ages 2.5 km northwest of GRILLENBERG To the north of the brook open hillside terrain with isolated, terrace-like sections, which could have been places of desertification in the past.
428300434 Desolation Horla "Horlehayn" desert middle Ages 1.6 km southwest of HORLA The structures that are still visible are a semicircular wall (50–80 cm high) and a ditch (50 cm deep) that are cut in the south by a dirt road. In the middle there are 2 larger stones.
428300442 Fortification> castle Morungen Spornburg "Altmorungen" middle Ages 0.3 km west of Morungen Forest and hiking trails partly not recognizable as such, two-part system with main and outer bailey. Walls still partially preserved. Narrow, unsecured paths around the castle represent an increased risk of accidents. The castle complex is completely accessible
428300446 Morungen Sacrificial Moor "Red Puddle" Bronze age 6.0 km west of Morungen In 1723 two bronze swords were found in the spring swamp of the Leine; There are several sul places at the given coordinates, a monument could not be seen. Reforested forest that is around 20-30 years old.
428300443 Fortification> castle Morungen Spurburg / Castle Hill middle Ages 0.2 km west of Morungen, fortified rock cliff, 100 m east of Altmorungen Castle hill with moat and rampart, overgrown, but accessible. There is a raised stand in the center of the castle hill. To the south there is obviously a quarry. Located north on the hiking trail to the old Morungsburg.
428300469 Fixing> Wall Sangerhausen Landwehr middle Ages west of the city, between Sachsengraben and Weg zur Butterkuppe Branching off (to the east) from the monument 428300476, "parallel" to today's railway line, about 2 km long.
428311120 Fixing> Wall Morungen Quarry with a surrounding ring wall middle Ages 400 m east of the Sachsenburg, about 1.2 km northeast of Morungen on the Mittelberg
428300466 Fortification> Sangerhaus Castle Sangerhausen Spornburg "Bäumelburg" middle Ages 3.0 km north of the city (on the edge of the cemetery forest created in 2013) In the forest there is a natural range of hills, in the east of the hill there is a slightly curved (section) wall with a ditch (maybe two?). Possible remains of buildings on the castle site itself.
428300468 Tomb> burial mound Sangerhausen Burial mound and "Taubenberg" settlement Neolithic 1.2 km northeast of the city In the edge of the forest there is an "old" cured burial mound. There is a measuring point near the boiler.
428300467 Desolation Sangerhausen Desert "Helmstal" middle Ages 1.5 km north of the city, church ruins Land belongs to a farm
428300448 Fortification> castle Oberröblingen "Schlößchen" moated castle middle Ages western outskirts, castle hill modern built over, ditch buried Schmiedestrasse / In the manor there is an old manor with a watermill directly to the west in the adjacent park is a castle hill with a “Schlößchen” (former kindergarten) and a filled, partially still perceptible ditch.
428300465 Fortification> castle Sangerhausen Flat spur castle "Butterkuppe" middle Ages 2.5 km northwest of the city Clear elevation with good all-round visibility. Centrally located measuring point and older concrete foundation. Rather castle hill or spur castle.
428300464 Fortification> castle Sangerhausen Spornburg "Kleiner Schlößchenkopf", castle hill middle Ages 2.0 km northwest of the city Castle hill, clearly defined, bordered by a moat, difficult to find overall. There are deep burrows in the castle hill.
428300457 Desolation Riestedt Desert Hessenrode middle Ages 1.5 km southeast of Riestedt Slight elevation could indicate the location.
428300456 Fortification> castle Riestedt Flat spur castle, Oberhof middle Ages in the place around the church, overbuilt Area of ​​the Wigberti Church, area closed, built over and overprinted
428300455 Fortification> castle Riestedt Wasserburg, Niederhof middle Ages in Riestedt, changed by manor buildings completely built over and overprinted


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