List of memorial plaques and memorial stones in Vienna / Brigittenau

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This list of commemorative plaques and memorial stones in Vienna / Brigittenau contains the commemorative plaques in the public space of the 20th district of Brigittenau . The main basis of this list is "Wien Kulturgut" (the digital cultural city map of the City of Vienna ).

Other monuments and works of art in public space can be found under List of works of art in public space in Vienna / Brigittenau .

Memorial stones are included in the list of memorial stones in Vienna-Brigittenau . As far as blackboards are concerned, some of them also have inventory numbers in the Viennese cultural property register.

Memorial plaques and memorial stones

photo   inscription Surname Type Location description
Manfred Ackermann - memorial plaque Upload file

Professor Manfred ACKERMANN
The popular educator and trade unionist lived in this urban residential complex until
he was expelled by the National Socialists
in 1938.
The Brigittenau District Representation, 2008

Manfred Ackermann - Memorial plaque
ID: 94410
Plaque Brigittaplatz 11–13
Metal plate with a picture of Ackermann (2008)
Josef Baldermann and Walter Schopf - memorial plaque
Upload file

They died for
Austria's freedom.
Baldrmann Josef
executed on February 28, 1903 , on March 2, 1943
Schopf Walter
b. Executed on Feb. 26, 1922
Dedicated on Sept. 9, 1943 by colleagues of
this company

Josef Baldermann and Walter Schopf - memorial plaque
ID: 94513
Plaque Hellwagstrasse 4
Stone tablet, originally attached to the Blau metal goods factory, which was located here until 1970 (1955)
Rudolf Beer - memorial plaque Upload file

Rudolf Beer
local councilor and member of the state parliament
chairman of the social democratic
district organization Brigittenau.

Rudolf Beer - memorial plaque Plaque Engerthstrasse 83
Stone tablet
Joseph Delmont - memorial plaque
Upload file

Austrian film pioneer a. Writer
Joseph Delmont
Here he wrote his Brigittenauer novels:
"The seven houses"
"Croesus vagabond"

Joseph Delmont - memorial plaque
ID: 96562
Plaque Burghardtgasse 18
Stone tablet
Wilhelm Ellenbogen - memorial plaque Upload file

Dr. Elbow - Hof
Dr. Wilhelm Ellenbogen, 1863–1951, represented
the interests of
the working people of Brigittenau as a member of parliament from 1901–1934 .
His life as a doctor and politician, as a helper for
the poor and the oppressed, was a
tireless struggle for peace,
freedom and social justice.
Expelled by the
fascism he fought against , he died while emigrating
in New York

Wilhelm Ellenbogen - memorial plaque Plaque Brigittenauer Lände 154
Stone tablet
Else Feldmann - memorial plaque Upload file

Born on February 25, 1884 in Vienna,
murdered on June 17, 1942
in the Sobibor extermination camp.
Shaped by city life at the turn of the century, she describes in her novel
Löwenzahn the former widespread proletarian misery in Brigittenau

Else Feldmann - Memorial plaque
ID: 96578
Plaque Staudingergasse 9
Metal plate with a picture of a book title (1998)
Josef Gerl - memorial plaque Upload file

Josef Julius Gerl
February fighters
1912 - 1934

Josef Gerl - memorial plaque Plaque Stromstrasse 39–45
Stone tablet
Otto Gratzl - memorial plaque Upload file

Otto Gratzl
1914 - 1976
union secretary
member of the state parliament
and local council

Otto Gratzl - memorial plaque Plaque Engerthstrasse 60–74
Stone tablet
Johann Otto Haas - memorial plaque Upload file

Dr. Otto Haas
freedom fighter

Johann Otto Haas - memorial plaque
ID: 96581
Plaque Winarskystraße 16-20
Johann Otto Haas - memorial plaque Upload file

In this house, on stair 2, lived
together with his mother and
siblings, the secondary school teacher
Dr. Johann Otto Haas. This organized
during the Nazi
tyranny one in Austria
and Bavaria branched resistance
organization of revolutionary socialists.
On August 30, 1944, he was
beheaded in the Vienna Regional Court.
Dr. Johann Otto Haas

Johann Otto Haas - memorial plaque Plaque Winarskystraße 16-20
Metal plate with a photographic portrait
Friedrich Hedrich - memorial plaque Upload file

Fritz Hedrich lived in this house
during the National Socialist
rule. He was sentenced to death
and executed on February 25, 1944 at the age
of 29.
he fought for a free,
democratic Austria,
for peace,
and for the happiness of mankind.
May people
understand his sacrifice

Friedrich Hedrich - memorial plaque Plaque Jägerstrasse 28
Stone tablet
Anton Karas - memorial plaque Upload file

For the 100th birthday of
The Heurigen musician and zither player
was born on July 7th, 1906 in the house at
Leystraße 46, where he lived until
he was 19.
He became world famous as the creator and interpreter of the
"Harry Lime theme"
through the film " The Third Man "
(director: Carol Reed , 1949).
District representative Brigittenau

Anton Karas - memorial plaque
ID: 96577
Plaque Corner of Leystraße / Marchfeldstraße
Metal plaque with an image of Karas on supports (2006)
Franz Koblizka - memorial plaque Upload file

Franz Koblizka, 1906–1971 local politician,
was active in the trade union
and social democratic labor movement from his youth .
In 1945 he made himself available to the reconstruction
of democratic life in Brigittenau
and thereby rendered great
services to the population of the district.
That is why he was elected district chairman
in 1954 and managed the affairs of the district
with great care and
energy until 1969 .

Franz Koblizka - memorial plaque Plaque Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 35
Stone tablet
Alexander Kolowrat - memorial plaque Upload file

The Austrian film pioneer Alexander "Sascha" Kolowrat of 1918 the Sascha-Film AG worked in this house for
several years
. Erneuert founded the Brigittenau regional agency in 1998

Alexander Kolowrat - memorial plaque
Plaque Pappenheimgasse 2
Stone tablet
Sister Maria Restituta - memorial plaque Upload file

born on May 1, 1894 in Brno . Beheaded
as a martyr
from the Christian resistance in the Vienna Regional Court on March 30, 1943 under the Nazi regime .
Dedicated by the Brigittenau district council

Sister Maria Restituta - memorial plaque
ID: 96572
Plaque Denisgasse 24
Metal plate with image of Maria Restitutas (1998)
Karl Michal - memorial plaque Upload file

Karl Michal
1885 - 1972
district chairman
in the 20th district

Karl Michal - memorial plaque Plaque Pappenheimgasse 48–52
Stone tablet
Johann Pokorny - memorial plaque
Upload file

Johann Pokorny, July 1, 1882 - September 11, 1940
Johann Pokorny was a leading functionary of the trade and
transport workers' association and from 1919 to 1934 a member of the
Vienna City Council. As district chairman of the Republican
Protection Association of Brigittenau, he was arrested in February 1934
and was a defendant in the Vienna Protection Association trial in 1935.
On August 22, 1939, he was arrested as part of the arrest campaign against
Revolutionary Socialists: in
1940 he died of the consequences of his imprisonment in a concentration camp.
The residential complex 20, Leipziger Strasse 11-15 Wexstrasse 14-18, built in 1925
26 and 1928
29 , was named Pokornyhof in 1949. Never Forget District Representation Brigittenau July 2008

Johann Pokorny - Memorial plaque
ID: 96580
Plaque Wexstrasse 14-18
Metal plate (2008)
Joseph Roth - memorial plaque Upload file

The writer Joseph Roth (1894–1939) dedicated vd Bank Austria AG
lived in this house from 1914 to 1916

Joseph Roth - memorial plaque Plaque Wallensteinstrasse 14
Stone tablet
Philipp Rottenberg - Memorial plaque Upload file

“Reason for termination of non-Aryans”
Several families
expelled from this community building by the National Socialists in 1938 and murdered.
Among them
Philip Rottenberg
district councilor of Brigittenau,
born on September 28th, 1890 - deported on June 5th, 1942
together with his wife to Izbica .
Never forget!
The Brigittenau district representative

Philipp Rottenberg - Memorial plaque
ID: 96573
Plaque Hannovergasse 13–15
Metal plate (2001)
Anton Schmid - memorial plaque Upload file

The Brigittenau tradesman
Anton Schmid
born January 9, 1900 - executed April 13, 1942
NCO of the German Wehrmacht
saved hundreds of Jewish citizens
in the Vilna ghetto from certain death.
"I only saved people ..."
(from the farewell letter to his wife)

Anton Schmid - memorial plaque Plaque Leipziger Strasse 40
Stone tablet
Georg Schmiedel - memorial plaque Upload file

Opening up
the beauty of nature
to working people - was the
life's work of the teacher
Georg Schmiedel
1895 co-founder of TV. The friends of nature

Georg Schmiedel - memorial plaque Plaque Hannovergasse 13–15
Stone tablet
Johann Sebesta, Karl Hodac and Walter Schopf - memorial plaque Upload file

In this parish house lived:
Sebesta Johann geb. 1900 hung. 1942
Hodac Karl "1901" 1942
Schopf Walter "1922" 1943
They gave their lives for the freedom
and independence of Austria.
May people understand their sacrifice!
For the Bz.Gr. 20 of the concentration camp verb.

Johann Sebesta, Karl Hodac and Walter Schopf - memorial plaque Plaque Stromstrasse 39–45
Stone tablet
Brigittenauer Tempel / Kluckygasse synagogue - memorial plaque Upload file

A synagogue built around 1900 according to the plans of the
architect Jakob Gartner stood here
Destroyed in the " Reichskristallnacht "
on November 10, 1938.

Brigittenauer Tempel / Kluckygasse synagogue - memorial plaque
ID: 96575
Plaque Kluckygasse 11–13
Bronze plaque (1988)
Brigittenauer Tempel / Kluckygasse synagogue - memorial plaque Upload file

Synagogue before it was destroyed on Reichskristallnacht 1938,
Brigittenau district council, 10.11.2008

Brigittenauer Tempel / Kluckygasse synagogue - memorial plaque
ID: 96576
Plaque Kluckygasse 11–13
Metal plaque depicting the synagogue (2008)
Freedom Tower - memorial plaque Upload file

In memory of the victims of the
Austrian Freedom struggle
against fascism and dictatorship
, this residential complex of the City of Vienna
Freedom Tower
The name should be a reminder
never to who did those people
forget that their lives for the victory
of democracy and humanity
their sacrifice means for we
have an obligation to use all our strength
to preserve freedom and
human dignity

Freedom Tower - memorial plaque Plaque Klosterneuburger Straße 99
Stone tablet
Brigittenau's independence - memorial stone
Upload file

At this point,
the Gasthaus Ockermüller stood, and this is where
the discussions
between Mayor
Dr. Karl Lueger
and the local councilor
Lorenz Müller .
These discussions
finally led to the independence of Brigittenau
on March 24, 1900 as the 20th district council of Brigittenau

Brigittenau's independence - memorial stone Memorial stone Hannovermarkt
Boulder with stone tablet, image of the arms of Brigittenau and the Ockermüller inn

Web links

Commons : memorial plaques and memorial stones in the Brigittenau  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files