List of members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina / 1770

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The list of members of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina for 1770 contains all persons who were appointed members in 1770. There were a total of 26 newly elected members.


No. Surname nickname Born admission Died section image Database
723 Georg Friedrich Von Kordenbusch Ctesibius II Aug 15, 1731 Feb 8 Apr 3, 1802 mathematics Georg Friedrich von Kordenbusch Georg Friedrich von Kordenbusch
724 Ernst Anton Nicolai Vindicianus II. Sep 7 1722 Feb 16 28 Aug 1802 medicine Ernst Anton Nicolai Ernst Anton Nicolai
725 Jacob Friedrich Isenflamm Heraclianus II 21 Sep 1726 Feb 16 23 Feb 1793 anatomy Jacob Friedrich Isenflamm Jakob Friedrich Isenflamm
726 Christian Rickmann Daphnus Ephesius 1741 Feb 16 Feb 10, 1772 medicine Christian Rickmann
727 Johann Caspar von Rueff Theombrotus Feb 22 medicine Johann Caspar von Rueff
728 Carl Abraham Gerhard Olympidoris II. Feb. 26, 1738 30 March March 9, 1821 geology Carl Abraham Gerhard Carl Abraham Gerhard
729 Georg Christian von Wolff Maecenas Dec. 4, 1711 Apr 7 July 31, 1784 Georg Christian von Wolff
730 Gottfried Heinrich misery Hephaestion Feb. 1, 1706 Apr 7 March 17, 1771 Gottfried Heinrich misery Gottfried Heinrich von Ellendsheim
731 Melchior Adam Weikard Amphilochus Apr 27, 1742 Apr 7 July 25, 1803 medicine Melchior Adam Weikard Melchior Adam Weikhard
732 Johann Crusius Aristander Apr 8 Johann Crusius
733 Franz Ludwig Christoph Ignatius von Mairhofen Thales Cretensis July 23, 1721 Apr 11 1788 Christoph Ludwig Frhr. from Mairhofen
734 Carsten von Rönnow Cassius Hemina 1700 Apr 12 1787 medicine Carsten von Rönnow
735 Christoph Gottlieb Büttner Euphranor July 10, 1708 1st of May Apr 1, 1776 anatomy Christoph Theophil Büttner
736 Joachim Friedrich Henckel Tryphon March 4, 1712 1st of May July 1, 1779 Obstetrics and Gynecology Joachim Friedrich Henckel
737 Christoph Andreas von Melle Diocles Charistus III. May 3rd June 10, 1780 anatomy Christoph Andreas von Melle
738 Carl Gottlob Steding Claudius Rocardus 1730 May 3rd 1795 pharmacy Carl Gottlob Steding
739 Ernst Gottfried Baldinger Soranus II May 13, 1738 May 3rd Jan. 2, 1804 botany Ernst Gottfried Baldinger Ernst Gottfried Baldinger
740 Johann Ernst Neubauer Empedocles II 1742 Jul 20 1777 surgery Johann Ernst Neubauer
741 Franz Xaver Hartmann Dionysius 1737 3 Aug 1791 medicine Franz Xaver Hartmann
742 Philipp Ambrosius Marherr Theodotus I. 1738 3 Aug March 28, 1771 physiology Philipp Ambrosius Marherr
743 Johann Heinrich Linck Pliny V. 1734 31 Aug 1807 pharmacy Johann Heinrich Linck Johann Heinrich II. Linck
744 Andrea from pasta Philinuscorus 1706 Sep 10 1782 medicine Andrea from pasta
745 Leonardo Targa Antiphanes 1730 Sep 10 1815 medicine Leonardo Targa
746 Giovanni Marsili Petronius Didotus 1729 Sep 10 1794 botany Giovanni Marsili Giovanni Marsili
747 Michele Girardi Philotimus II 1731 Sep 10 1797 anatomy Michele Girardi
748 Francesco Zannetti Clicon 4th Oct medicine Francesco Zanetti

Note on the life data

The list initially includes the life data according to the Leopoldina archive. For name articles that have not yet been created, these refer to the information in accordance with Neigebaur (1860), Ule (1889) and the comparison with Wikidata. The life dates in the name article created later can therefore still differ from the life dates in the list.


  • Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence . Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 228; Text archive - Internet Archive
  • Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. Commissioned by Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, supplements and additions to Neigebaur's history, p. 162 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).

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