Ernst Anton Nicolai

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Ernst Anton Nicolai

Ernst Anton Nicolai (born September 7, 1722 in Sondershausen ; † August 28, 1802 in Jena ) was a German medic.


Ernst Anton was the son of the surgeon and bathroom worker Johann Christoph Nicolai (1695–1759) and his wife Elisabeth Magdalena Kiesewetter, daughter of the mayor Johann Christoph Kiesewetter (1656–1725).

After attending school in his birthplace, he began to study medicine at the University of Halle at Easter 1740 . To this end, he completed the first year of philosophical studies in logic and metaphysics with Johann Friedrich Stiebritz and in natural science and mathematics with Johann Gottlob Krüger . At the medical faculty, Johann Heinrich Schulze , Johann Friedrich Cassebohm , Heinrich Bass , Philipp Adolph Böhmer and especially Friedrich Hoffmann were his instructors. After defending his doctoral thesis De dolore (from pain) he received the academic degree of doctor of medicine in 1745. He then worked as a doctor in Halle and participated in the university's reading operations.

This earned him an extraordinary professorship in Halle on May 18, 1748, and he became a royal Prussian councilor. On September 16, 1758, he moved to the University of Jena as a full professor of theoretical medicine , where he took over the professorship of clinical medicine and chemistry the following year. He was appointed court councilor of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. He became the personal physician of Solms-Braunfels and he was raised to the nobility as an imperial court palatinate count. He participated in the organizational tasks of the Salana. He was dean of the medical faculty several times and in the winter semesters 1761, 1767, 1777, 1789 and in the summer semester 1782 rector of the alma mater . From 1770 he belonged to the Leopoldina, 1758 to the academy in Erfurt and the Latin societies in Jena and Baden.

Works (selection)

  • The innocent accusation of the time with the troubles of old age wanted when the well-bored, highly learned and highly experienced gentleman, Mr. D. Friedrich Hoffmann, Sr. Royal Majesty in Prussia, highly entrusted secret baths council and body physician ... The 3rd March 1742. His birth festival For the eightieth and thirtieth time cheerfully celebrated, taking hearty happiness-wish into some consideration. Hall 1742 ( online )
  • Effects of the imagination on the human body. Hall 1744 ( online ), Hall 1751 ( online )
  • About the connection of music with the knowledge of medicines. Jena 1745 ( online )
  • Treatise on Laughter. Jena 1746
  • Treatise on the beauty of the human body in a letter of congratulations to Mr. Christ. Fried. Truppeln when he received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Halle. Hall 1746 ( online )
  • Thoughts about the creation of the child in the womb and the harmony and community that the mother has with it during pregnancy. Hall 1746 ( online )
  • Theoretical and practical consideration of the pulse rate. Jena 1746
  • Treatise on the Beauty of the Human Body. Jena 1746, Halle 1747
  • Thoughts of tears and tears. Hall 1748 ( online )
  • Thought of the generation of stones in the human body, especially in the kidneys, the urine and gall bladder, and of the internal stone cures. Hall 1749 ( online )
  • Thoughts of the creation of the freak and moon calves. Jena 1749 ( online )
  • Systema materiae medicae ad praxin applicatae. Jena 1750–1752 2nd vol.
  • Defense of his attempt at an educational building from fevers in general. Jena 1753 ( online )
  • Treatises on Defects of the Face. Berlin 1754
  • Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Cold Fevers. Copenhagen 1758
  • Thoughts of the confusion of the mind, the lawn and the fantasizing. Copenhagen 1758 ( online )
  • Diss. Med. de dolore in genere. Per loco. Jena 1758 ( online )
  • Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Cold Fevers. Copenhagen 1758 ( online )
  • Pathology or science of disease. Hall 1769–1779, 6th vol .; Hall 1781–1784, 3rd vol .;
  • Collection of observations, receipts and treatments, along with theoretical and practical comments. Jena 1780–1784 ( online ) 2nd volume, 1788; 1799
  • Orationem novi Alumnorum Ducalium coenaculi dedicandi causa. Jena 1782 ( online )
  • Theoretical and practical treatise on the inflammation and suppuration, the burn, scirrhus and cancers and types of cure for these diseases. Jena 1786 2nd vol.

Accompanying dissertations

  • Diss. Med. de spissitudine sanguinis. Halle 1749 (Resp. Johann Christian Kerstens (* December 17, 1713 in Stade; † June 5, 1801 in Kiel), online )
  • Dissertatio Medica Sistens Hydropis Pathologiam. Halle 1754 (Resp. Ernst Heinrich Davidis, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de acrimoniae in corpore humano existentis actione, causis et effectibus. Jena 1760 (Resp. Theophil Christoph Forst, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de obstructione mesenterii ut causa multorum variorum morborum. Jena 1760 (Resp.Johann Laurentius Friedrich August Krumm, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de caloris febrilis effectibus. Jena 1760 (Resp. Ernst Gottfried Baldinger , online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de sudore ut signo. Jena 1760 (Resp. Johann Christian Wilhelm Holland, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. sistens genuinam cachexiae indolem et naturam. Jena 1760 (Resp.Johann Heinrich Christoph Schencke, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de irritatione. Jena 1760 (Resp. Heinrich Christian Helwig, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de congestionibus. Jena 1761 (Resp.Johann Friedrich Wilhelmi, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de pulsibus. Jena 1761 (Resp. Jodokus Ehrhart, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de secretione corporis humani in genere. Jena 1762 (Resp.Johann Michael Hiecke, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de oleorum expressorum virtuti et usu. Jena 1765 (Resp.Franz Georg Dietz, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. sistens analysin chemicam aquarum Jenensium. Jena 1772 (Resp.Georg Adolph Suckow , online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de generatione chyli. Jena 1776 (Resp.Johann Wallfried Feuerlein, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de sanguinis colore rubro. Jena 1778 (Resp.Johann Wilhelm Güttich, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de nucis vomicae viribus et usu. Jena 1784 (Resp. Anton Friedrich Cappel, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. med. de sensatione et irritatione. Jena 1791 (Resp. Ernst Friedrich Christian Graf, online )


  • Programma de sensatione ac sensibilitate. Jena 1758 ( online )
  • Program inaug. primum de deliriis. Jena 1759 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Georg Schmidt, online )
  • Program inaug. De genesi vertiginis. Jena 1759 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Joachim Wewetzer, online )
  • Program inaug. primum De genesi vertiginis. Jena 1759 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Christoph Buch, online )
  • Programma inaugurale quo demonstratur, quod calor corporis humani non oriatur ex attritu fluidorum. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Georg Andreas Runge, online )
  • Programma Auspicale I. quoœGenuina arthritidis eiusque specierum notio eruitur. Jena 1759 (Dean's office program for the doctorate of Ludwig Leonhard Bader, online )
  • Programma Auspicale II. QuoœGenuina arthritidis eiusque specierum notio eruitur. Jena 1760 (dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Christian Wilhelm Holland, online ) ˜
  • Programma Auspicale III. quo Genuina arthritidis eiusque specierum notio eruitur. Jena 1760 (Deanery program for the doctorate of Immanuel August Friedrich Bertram, online )
  • Programma Auspicale IV. Quo Genuina arthritidis eiusque specierum notio eruitur. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Franz Petri Emcken, online ) ˜
  • Programma Auspicale V. quo Genuina arthritidis eiusque specierum notio eruitur. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Ernst Gottfried Baldinger, online )
  • Programma inaug., Exponensœ rationem structurae quarundam auris partium.1. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Heinrich Christoph Schenck, )
  • Programma inaug., Exponens rationem structurae quarundam auris partium. II. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Gottlob Heinrich Christian Baumann, online )
  • Programma inaug., Exponens rationem structurae quarundam auris partium. III. Jena 1760 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Christian Döring, online )
  • Programma quo de cordis et arteriarum in sanguine action. Jena 1761 (Dean's office program for the doctorate of Jodocus Erhart, online )
  • De causis pelluciditatis partium corporis humani praesentis et sublatae. Progr. I. Jena 1761 (Dean's office program for the doctorate of Johann Friedrich Wilhelmi, online )
  • De causis pelluciditatis partium corporis humani praesentis et sublatae. Progr. II. Jena 1762 (Dean's office program for the doctorate of Johann Andreas Schaubach, online )
  • De causis pelluciditatis partium corporis humani praesentis et sublatae.Progr. III. Jena 1763 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Gottlieb Friedrich Stuss, online )
  • Programma de pulsu celeri, cebro et frequenti. Jena 1763 (Deanery program for the doctorate of Wessel Lümmen, online )
  • Program inaug. De deliriis. II. Et ult. Jena 1763 (Dean's office program for the doctorate of Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Bucholtz, online )
  • Programma de notione morbi maligni. Jena 1763 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Christoph Friedrich Carl Cappe, )
  • Programma inaug., Exponens rationem structurae quarundam auris partium. 4. Jena 1766 (Deanery program for the doctorate of Martin Friedrich Henrici, online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Christoph Fahner. Jena 1780 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Christian August Hauenschild. Jena 1782 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Samuel Sommer. Jena 1786 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Georg Hermann August Rese. Jena 1788 ( )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Hieronymus. Jena 1790 ( online )
  • Deanery program for the doctorate of Ernst Friedrich Christian Graf. Jena 1791 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Christian Fürchtegott Schmalz. Jena 1792 ( )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Christian Hieronymus Theodor Lützelberger. Jena 1791 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Jacob Locher. Jena 1792 ( online )
  • Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Andreas Braun. Jena 1792 ( )


Web links