List of tributaries of the Kalser Bach

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This list of tributaries of the Kalser Bach shows all tributaries of the Kalser Bach . A total of 16 rivers flow directly into the Kalser Bach, which flows exclusively in the municipality of Kals am Großglockner , Lienz district (East Tyrol). In terms of their catchment area, the Ködnitzbach , Lesachbach and Teischnitzbach are by far the largest tributaries of the Kalser Bach. Of the tributaries, the Lesachbach and Ködnitzbach themselves have three tributaries, Tscheinitzbach, Stotzbach and Laperwitzbach each have a tributary.

List of tributaries

The table contains the following information:

GKZ: The HZB number of the Hydrographic Central Office, see water numbering in Austria
Surname: Name of the body of water starting from the source
Mouth side: Orographic side of the confluence
Catchment area: The catchment area of the body of water in square kilometers.
GKZ Surname Mouth side Catchment area
2-374-64-66 -02 Laperwitzbach Left 7.4 km²
2-374-64-66 -04 Stotzbach right 5.2 km²
2-374-64-66 -06 Fruschnitzbach Left 2.9 km²
2-374-64-66 -08 Rumesoibach Left 1.6 km²
2-374-64-66 -10 Muntanitzbach right 1.8 km²
2-374-64-66 -12 Gradötzbach right 1.4 km²
2-374-64-66 -14 Mitterlingbach right 3.2 km²
2-374-64-66 -16 Teischnitzbach Left 14.0 km²
2-374-64-66 -18 Burger Bach Left 2.7 km²
2-374-64-66 -20 Ködnitzbach Left 29.5 km²
2-374-64-66 -22 Raseggbach right 5.1 km²
2-374-64-66 -24 Lesachbach Left 25.7 km²
2-374-64-26 -26 Fallwindesbach Left 2.8 km²
2-374-64-26 -28 Janisalmbach right 2.1 km²
2-374-64-26 -30 Staniskabach Left 8.3 km²
2-374-64-26 -32 Leportenbach Left 2.6 km²

Individual evidence

  1. a b Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (ed.): List of areas of the Austrian river basins: Draugebiet. Contributions to the hydrography of Austria, issue No. 59, Vienna 2011 ( PDF; 3.5 MB )

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