List of streets in Essen-Fulerum

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The list of streets in Essen-Fulerum describes the street system in the Essen district of Fulerum with the corresponding historical references.


In Fulerum live 3283 inhabitants (March 31, 2020) on an area of ​​1.57 km². The district belongs to the district III Essen-West. Fulerum, together with Haarzopf and Margarethenhöhe, forms the postcode district 45149.

Starting in the north, the district is bounded clockwise as follows:
Borbecker Mühlenbach to Frohnhausen , Kesselbach to Margarethenhöhe, Oberscheidtstraße, Schlingmannsweg and Harscheidweg to Haarzopf, Scheidtstraße, Am Scheidtbusch, Waterloostraße, Humboldtstraße and Wienenbuschstraße to the Mülheimer districts Heißen -Heimater Fulerum.

There are 19 designated traffic areas in Fulerum, including no square . Five of these streets are only partially in the district:
Schlingmannsweg and Harscheidweg form the border with Haarzopf, Fulerumer Straße, Straße Stubertal and Humboldtstraße continue there. In its further course, the Humboldtstrasse partially forms the border to Mülheim-Heißen, the street Am Scheidtbusch continues there.

Landesstrasse 64 runs through Fulerum on Fulerumer Strasse.

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the existing streets and paths in the district as well as some related information.

  • Name : current name of the street.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length of the street section within the district is that the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
At the cemetery of honor 400 Ehrenfriedhof on the Südwestfriedhof Essen July 15, 1957 The cemetery of honor was laid out in 1915 and significantly expanded around 1939. 1270 soldiers and 1160 civilians killed in bombing are buried here, plus 690 foreign prisoners of war. The bronze sculpture Mourning by Joseph Enseling represents a common memorial for all dead.
The street Am Ehrenfriedhof leads from Fulerumer Straße in the south to the southwest cemetery and thus past the cemetery of honor and is therefore named after it. Until 1957 it was part of Lührmannstraße , which is separated by the Nachtigallental and forms the extension on Margarethenhöhe .
Ehrenfriedhof on the southwest cemetery
At Scheidtbusch 350
(in the district)
Forest of Hof Scheidt Aug 14, 1933 Around 1828, the Scheidtbusch is mentioned as part of the Scheidt farm, which was around 37  acres in size. After this parcel, the street Am Scheidtbusch was named in 1933 as a connection between Waterloostraße in Mülheim an der Ruhr- Fulerum (today part of Mülheim- Heißen ) and Scheidtstraße.
On the heath 130 On the heather, field name Sep 12 2006 Auf der Heide is a housing estate that is arched on Fulerumer Straße. Originally it was supposed to be assigned to Fulerumer Straße, but the city council voted in favor of using the name of the former parcel Auf der Heide. This was supported by the fact that field names represent rural ideas and the name can be a reminder of the original use of the area in later generations. In addition, the name fits to surrounding street names in the neighboring northern hair pigtail , such as Auf'm Keller and Auf'm Gartenstück.
Beekmannstrasse 600 Hof Beekmann, old farm 16 Sep 1910 Hof Spieckermann was later also called Hof Beekmann when Hermann Beekmann was the owner of the farm, as evidenced in 1867.
The Beekmannstraße leads from the Humboldtstraße west past the Beekmannshof to Mülheim - Heißen , where it continues as Kleiststraße.
Ehrenaue 400 Relation to the cemetery of honor at the south-west cemetery in Essen June 5, 1934 The name Ehrenaue refers to the neighboring cemetery of honor.
The Ehrenaue street connects the Schlingmannsweg with the Am Ehrenfriedhof street.
Fulerumer Strasse 1400
in the district
named after Fulerum himself Oct. 1, 1920 After the incorporation of the eastern part of the former Fulerum peasantry, which until then belonged to the mayor's office in Heißen , the old Bülowstrasse was called Fulerumer Strasse in 1920. It forms the main street of the district, begins in Haarzopf and crosses Fulerum. In the north it is continued in Frohnhausen as Wickenburgstrasse. Entrance area Südwestfriedhof on Fulerumer Straße
Harscheidweg 600
in the district
Am Harscheid, field name May 10, 1914 In the land register of 1826, the name Am Haarscheid is used for a corridor, then in 1866 Am Harscheid. After this field name, the name Harscheidweg was chosen in 1914 for the connection from Haarzopf to Humboldtstraße. The street forms the border between Haarzopf and Fulerum between Auf'm Keller (in Haarzopf) and Humboldtstraße.
Thanks to home 600 Thanks to Heimat, building cooperative Oct. 1, 1920 The Heimatdank building cooperative is a cooperative founded in 1918 that built apartments for returning soldiers on this street.
The Heimatdank street branches off from the Mecklenbecksweg and runs in a southerly direction parallel to the Fulerumer Straße.
Hobirkheide 300 Hobirk farm, old farm June 5, 1934 According to the official justification, the street Hobirkheide is named after the Hobirk farm, which, however, was between Haarzopf and Schuir . It is not known why a street in Fulerum was chosen for this name.
Hobirkheide Street is an arched connection between Schlingmannsweg and Am Ehrenfriedhof Street.
Humboldtstrasse 2900
(in the district)
Humboldt colliery Nov 21, 1911 Humboldtstrasse, which begins in Haarzopf , crosses Fulerum and ends at the city limits of Mülheim an der Ruhr on the Humboldtring, is named after the Humboldt colliery, which in turn bears its name after Alexander von Humboldt . It was created in 1869 from the consolidation of the fields Hammelsbeck , Sonderwerk, Hoppenkuhle, Rettelstruckerstollen, Gitzkiel , Robert, Adele and Vereinigte Drei. In 1929, production in the Humboldt colliery was stopped and the mine fields were mined by the Rosenblumendelle colliery . The Humboldtstrasse satellite camp was located on Humboldtstrasse between 1944 and 1945 . Commemorative plaque on the subcamp on Humboldtstrasse
Mecklenbecksweg 350 Heinrich Mecklenbeck, farmer on the Kotten Hammelsbeck Oct. 1, 1920 Heinrich Mecklenbeck bought the Kotten Hammelsbeck in 1894 and sold it to the city of Essen in 1918.
The Mecklenbecksweg is a cul-de-sac to Wienenbuschstraße in the north of Fulerun.
Oberscheidtstrasse 650 Hof Oberscheidt, old farm 16 Sep 1910 The Oberscheidt farm is mentioned in the fiefdom protocols of Essen monastery in 1423 as op dem Overschede, initially belonged to the Gertrudiskirche in Essen and became part of the Lutheran congregation during the Reformation. In 1909 the farm became the property of the city of Essen, which established the southwest cemetery here.
Oberscheidtstraße leads from Am Ehrenfriedhof street to Tommesweg in Haarzopf . Until 1910 it was called Bülowstrasse .
Rainbow path 500 Colliery rainbow Jan. 21, 1965 The rainbow mine in Fulerum was merged with the Hammelsbeck colliery in 1862 and has been called Hammelsbeck ever since. In 1869 the Hammelsbeck colliery was consolidated with several other mines to form the Humboldt colliery .
The Regenbogenweg forms an eastern cul-de-sac to Humboldtstrasse, parallel to Sonderwerkstrasse and Spieckermannstrasse.
Residential houses on the Regenbogenweg
Scheidtstrasse 850 Hof Scheidt, old farm 16 Sep 1910 The Scheidt farm was a personal profit from the Maria Sael Abbey in Saarn , today a district of Mülheim an der Ruhr .
In 1910 the former Friesenstrasse was renamed Scheidtstrasse, which leads north from Beekmannstrasse to Humboldtstrasse.
Schlingmannsweg 410 Schlingmann, landowner May 10, 1915 The Schlingmanns were hair-sacrifice landowners. In the parenting role of 1866, the day laborer Hermann Schlingmann is named as the owner of a piece of land at the later Humboldtstraße 239 that was 82 ares and 18 square meters in size.
The Schlingmannsweg branches off southeast of the Humboldtstrasse and leads to the Stubertal street, after which it ends as a dead end.
Sonderwerkstrasse 170 Colliery special plant Jan. 21, 1965 The Sonderwerk colliery was merged with the Hammelsbeck, Hoppenkuhle, Sonnenschein and Klefflappen mines to form the Humboldt colliery in 1847 .
The eastern spur road to Humboldtstrasse was named after this mine in 1965.
Spieckermannstrasse 210 Spieckermannshof, old farm Jan. 21, 1965 The Spieckermannsgut was a farm in Fulerum that belonged to the Werden Sadelhof Rhade. In 1830 it came into the possession of the Beekmann family and has been called Beekmannshof since then.
Spieckermannstraße is an eastern spur road to Humboldtstraße parallel to Sonderwerkstraße and Regenbogenweg.
Stubertal 460
(in the district)
Stubertal, field name June 5, 1934 In a map of the Werden monastery from 1582, the field name Stubertal is mentioned, which was transferred to this street in 1934, which arches connecting Schlingmannsweg and Am Ehrenfriedhof street. In 1972, the connection between Schlingmannsweg and Fulerumer Straße in the Haarzopfer area was assigned to the Stubertal road.
Wienenbuschstrasse 600 Wienenbusch, field name 16 Sep 1910 In 1826 the Wienenbusch is mentioned as a property of Johann aufm Scheidt.
In 1910, the former Kantstrasse was renamed Wienenbuschstrasse after this field name . It connects Fulerumer Strasse with Humboldtstrasse in the north of the district.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Bülowstrasse before 1902 Oct. 1, 1920 divided between
→  Fulerumer Straße and
→  Oberscheidtstraße
Bernhard von Bülow , 1849–1929, German politician In 1910 the section of Bülowstrasse, which leads south-east to Haarzopf , was separated as Oberscheidtstrasse. In 1920 the main street was renamed after Frohnhausen and was given the name Fulerumer Straße.
Friesenstrasse before 1907 16 Sep 1910 →  Scheidtstrasse
Kantstrasse 16 Sep 1910 →  Wienenbuschstrasse
Lührmannstrasse Sep 30 1935 July 15, 1957 →  At the cemetery of honor Edmund Lührmann, 1845–1909, founder of the Edmund Lührmann Foundation , which financed a convalescent home for mentally ill people in Rüttenscheid In 1935 the spur road to Fulerumer Strasse at the southwest cemetery was assigned to Lührmannstrasse, which forms the extension on the other side of the Nachtigallental in Margarethenhöhe and Rüttenscheid . In 1957 this western part was called Am Ehrenfriedhof.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical association for the city and monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .