List of streets in Oberhausen-Knappenviertel

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The list of streets in Oberhausen-Knappenviertel describes the street system in the Oberhausen Knappenviertel with the corresponding historical references.


The Knappenviertel forms with the Marienviertel , the northern inner city, Bermensfeld , Schlad and the east of Dümpten the postal code area 46047.

Starting in the north, the district is bounded clockwise as follows: Railway line Duisburg – Dortmund to Neue Mitte , Essener Straße and Mellinghofer Straße to Bermensfeld, Nathlandstraße to Schlad and Liebknechtstraße and Am Damm to Marienviertel.

There are 21 designated traffic areas in the Knappenviertel, including one square. Five of these streets are only partially in the district:
Falkensteinstraße forms the border with Schlad, Liebknechtstraße the border with Marienviertel. Three other streets ( Bismarckstraße , Bricktorstraße , Martin-Luther-Straße ) lead to the Marienviertel under the same name.

At the borders of the Knappenviertel, the state road L450 runs on Mellinghofer Straße and Oberhausener Kreisstraße K 1 on Falkensteinstraße .

Overview of streets and squares

The following table gives an overview of the existing streets, paths and squares in the district as well as some related information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
  • The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
  • The addition in the district indicates that the length of the street section within the Knappenviertel, provided that the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • The addition without spur streets indicates the length of the "main street" for branched streets.
  • The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Old heathen 680
without spur roads: 350
Alte Heide , part of the Lipper Heide The Old Heid was a part of Lipperheide which jointly as a sheep manner and Heide Plagge was used. The Alte Heid street leads from the Knappenstraße to the Mellinghofer Straße, several small stalls are assigned to it. The Oberhausen Bunker Museum is also located on the Alte Heid.
Annemarie-Renger-Weg 1090
(all road sections together)
Annemarie Renger , 1919–2008, SPD politician June 10, 2015 The Annemarie-Renger-Weg leads through an industrial area between Knappenstrasse and Essener Strasse in the northeast of the Knappenviertel.
Bismarckstrasse 350
in the district
Otto von Bismarck , 1815–1898, founder and first Chancellor of the German Empire Bismarckstraße begins on Mülheimer Straße, crosses the Marienviertel and the west of the Knappenviertel and ends on Uhlandstraße.
Bricktorstrasse 650
in the district
Bridge of the Cologne-Minden Railway 1911 The road ended directly at the bridge of the Cologne-Mindener Railway, which was built in 1846 according to the state of the art with arches for each individual track. Am Brückor quickly became the name for the area. Today, Bricktorstraße leads from Mülheimer Straße through Marienviertel and ends at the intersection with Knappenstraße, the continuation eastwards is also part of Knappenstraße.

In the area of ​​the Knappenviertel the street was called Kirchweg before 1911 .

Three squires 300 Three miners , nickname of three high-rise buildings built here 1960 The Drei Knappen , the three skyscrapers after which the street was named, were built here in 1960 for miners from the HOAG . The street leads from Mellinghofer Straße in an arch to Königsberger Straße.
Falkensteinstrasse 1100
in the district
old hallway name ("on the Falkenstein") Falkensteinstrasse begins on Mülheimer Strasse as a continuation of Ebertstrasse in the city center. From Liebknechtstraße it is the border between Schlad and Knappenviertel. It ends at Mellinghofer Straße and continues between Dümpten and Bermensfeld as Nathlandstraße. At the intersection with Pothmannsweg is the Catholic Church of St. Michael, which was the parish church for the Knappenviertel until 2008 and has since been a branch church of St. Marien in the Marienviertel. Filial church St. Michael on Falkensteinstrasse
Gravestrasse 120 Grave, innkeeper Gravestraße, the first houses of which were built by the innkeeper Grave, is a short connection between Pothmannsweg and Knappenstraße.
Grothestrasse 140 Grothekotten , old farm The Grothestaße, which was laid out on the property of the old Grothekotten, leads from Uhlandstraße to Pothmannsweg.
Knappenstrasse 1200 Scarce , job title The miners (miners) reached the Oberhausen colliery from today's Knappenviertel via this street . Today it crosses the quarter named after her in a north-south direction, it leads north from Falkensteinstraße, makes a bend to the west at the St. Michael secondary school and meets Bricktorstraße. From this intersection it continues northwards to Essener Straße. In this further course it leads past the Knappenhalde . Knappenstrasse
Koenigsberger Strasse 900
(all road sections together)
Former Koenigsberg colliery , today Oberhausen colliery The street name is reminiscent of the first smelter mine in the Ruhr area. Königsberger Straße leads from Mellinghofer Straße to Knappenstraße. It is also assigned three spur streets to it and a parallel street that connects the branch streets with Drei Knappen.
Körnerstrasse 600 Theodor Körner , 1791–1813, poet and freedom singer The Körnerstraße leads in the west of the Knappenviertel from the Falkensteinstraße northwards and then describes a small arc to the Brückorstraße, behind which it continues as Lipperstraße. Between Martin-Luther-Straße and Bricktorstraße it was called Heidstraße until 1934 .
Liebknechtstrasse 650
in the district
Wilhelm Liebknecht , 1826–1900, one of the founders of the SPD 1947 Liebknechtstrasse, which runs from Virchowstrasse to Brückorstrasse, forms the border between the Marienviertel and the Knappenviertel between Falkensteinstrasse and Bricktorstrasse. Until 1934 it was called Feldstraße and until 1947 Richthofenstraße .
Lipperstrasse 400 Lipper Heath after 1869 The Lipperstraße used to run through the Lipper Heide and was named Alte Lipperstraße and Heitkampsweg . Today it connects the Bricktorstraße as a continuation of the Körnerstraße with the Knappenstraße and leads past the Knappenhalde . Knappenhalde
Marienburgstrasse 460
(all road sections together)
Marienburg , Ordensburg and headquarters of the Teutonic Order 1934 Marienburgstrasse is located between Knappenstrasse and Falkensteinstrasse. It was called Hüttenstrasse until 1934 .
Martin-Luther-Strasse 150
in the district
Martin Luther , 1483–1546, reformer 1934 Martin-Luther-Strasse leads from Lipperheidstrasse in the Marienviertel to Körnerstrasse. The Evangelical Luther Church lies on her. Until 1934 it was called Karlstrasse .
Pothmannsweg 450 Pothmannshof , old farm in the Lipper Heide The Pothmannsweg leads from Falkensteinstraße to Bricktorstraße.
Strickersweg 140 Strickershof , old farm in the Lipper Heide The Strickersweg is a short connection between Brückorstrasse and Uhlandstrasse.
Uhlandplatz 80 × 55 Ludwig Uhland , 1787–1862, Swabian poet, lawyer and politician Uhlandplatz is located at the intersection of Brückorstrasse and Uhlandstrasse.
Uhlandstrasse 800 Ludwig Uhland , 1787–1862, Swabian poet, lawyer and politician Uhlandstrasse begins on Falkensteinstrasse and leads in an arc northeast to Knappenstrasse.
Wilhelm-Tell-Strasse 270 Wilhelm Tell , Swiss legendary figure and national hero 1936 Like the neighboring Winkelriedstrasse, Wilhelm-Tell-Strasse is named after a Swiss legendary hero. It leads from Bricktorstraße to Knappenhalde and was called Steinstraße until 1936 .
Winkelriedstrasse 250 Arnold Winkelried , Swiss legendary figure 1936 Like the neighboring Wilhelm-Tell-Strasse, Winkelriedstrasse is named after a Swiss legendary hero. It leads from Bricktorstraße in an arch to Wilhelm-Tell-Straße and was called Winkelstraße until 1936 .

List of no longer existing streets in the Knappenviertel

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Old Lipperstrasse before 1869 after 1869 →  Lipperstrasse The Alte Lipperstrasse merged into the Heitkampsweg on a map from before 1869 .
Drosteweg 1972 moved in The Drostehof used to be here . The Drosteweg used to lead from Wilhelm-Tell-Strasse to the railway line and past Knappenhalde to Knappenstrasse . He was drafted in 1972.
Feldstrasse 1934 →  Liebknechtstrasse After 1934 the street was initially called Richthofenstraße .
Heidstrasse 1934 →  Körnerstrasse The Heidstraße was an old way of dividing the Heath .
Heitkampsweg before 1869 after 1869 →  Lipperstrasse The Heitkampsweg went on a map of before 1869 in the Old Lipper street over.
Huettenstrasse 1934 →  Marienburgstrasse
Karlstrasse 1934 →  Martin-Luther-Strasse
Kirchweg 1911 →  Bricktorstrasse
Richthofenstrasse 1934 1947 →  Liebknechtstrasse Manfred von Richthofen , “The Red Baron”, German fighter pilot in the First World War Before 1934 the street was called Feldstrasse .
Steinstrasse 1936 →  Wilhelm-Tell-Strasse
Winkelstrasse 1936 →  Winkelriedstrasse The street led from Brückorstraße at an angle to what was then Steinstraße .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Alfred & Ulrich Lindemann: 500 Kilometer Oberhausener Strassegeschichte , 1997
  2. Open Street Map. Retrieved September 7, 2015 .