List of student associations in Giessen

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The list of student associations in Gießen shows the 21 active student associations that are based in Gießen .

Active connections

Surname founding Colours coat of arms Circle Association Fencing question Members House
Fraternity of Adelphia 1870
Adelphia coat of arms colored.jpg Circle Adelphia.gif without not striking Men's association Giessen Gruenberger Strasse 91 61666.png
Alemannia fraternity 1861
light blue-crimson-gold
Alemannia Giessen coat of arms.jpg Circle Alemannia Gießen.png without mandatory Men's association Giessen Gutenbergstrasse 23 61675 d.png
Country team Chattia 1882
Red White Red
Circle Chattia Giessen.svg CC mandatory Men's association Giessen Licher Strasse 49 61605 f.png
Landsmannschaft Darmstadtia 1882
Coat of arms of the Landsmannschaft Darmstadtia Gießen.jpg Circle of the Landsmannschaft Darmstadtia Gießen.jpg CC mandatory Men's association Connection house Darmstadtia Gießen 2.jpg
Fraternity of Dresdensia-Rugia 1853
Logo Burschenschaft Dresdensia-Rugia zu Gießen.png Circle B! D! -R! .Png DB mandatory Men's association Giessen Grosser Steinweg 21 61646 f.png
Frankonia fraternity 1872
without mandatory Men's association Giessen Gruenberger Strasse 89 61664.png
Free AV Geo-Giessensis 2008
Coat of arms Geo Giessensis.jpg GG Zirkel.jpg without not striking mixed without
Germania fraternity 1851
Coat of arms of the Giessen fraternity Germania.jpg Circle of the Giessen fraternity Germania.svg ADB mandatory Men's association Giessen Old Wetzlarer Weg 35.png
Germania-Charlottenburg fraternity 1911
green-silver-light blue
Coat of arms fraternity Germania-Charlottenburg zu Gießen.jpg BGC!  Circle-2018 small.png without exposed Men's association
VKDSt. Hasso-Rhenania 1883
Coat of arms H-RG! .Png Circle H-RG! .Png CV not striking Men's association Giessen Stephanstrasse 6 61179.png
Academic Society The Monastery 1872
without without without not striking mixed
K.St.V. Nassovia 1895
blue-orange-blue (ff)
Nassovenwappen.png Nassovenzirkel.gif KV not striking Men's association
Corps Normannia Hall 1846
Normannia hall coat of arms.jpg Normannia hall zirkel.jpg KSCV mandatory Men's association Normannia hall corpshaus.jpg
Corps Starkenburgia 1826
Corps Starkenburgia (coat of arms) .jpg Corps Starkenburgia (circle) .jpg KSCV mandatory Men's association Giessen - Starkenburgia 2014-11-08a.JPG
Corps Teutonia 1839
Teutonia Giessen (Doeberl) .jpg Circle Teutonia Giessen.png KSCV mandatory Men's association Giessen Corps Teutonia House Hessenstrasse 3 F Hoffmann 200707.jpg
WKSt.V. Unitas Cheruskia 1919
blue-white-gold (ff)

Screenshot 2020-03-01 at 04/17/27.png

Circle Cheruskia (Gießen) .png

UV not striking Men's association


WKSt.V. Unitas Maria Montessori 1994
gold-white-blue (ff)
UV not striking Ladies connection
Fraternity of Vandalia Ilmenau and Giessen 1899
without optional striking Men's association
VDSt Giessen 1891
black-white-red (ff)
VVDSt not striking Men's association
Wartburg fraternity 1948
black and crimson on gold
without not striking Men's association
Giessen Wingolf 1852
Wingolfsbund not striking Men's association Giessener Wingolf Wingolfshaus-1895.jpg


  • Establishment: year of establishment (after specifying the connection)
  • Colors: colors of connection (guy colors )
    • if without additional information, then colored (wearing the colors in the ribbon , on the hat and in the corner , occurring in other objects)
    • ff: color-leading (appearance of colors in different objects, worn in the corner)
    • vu: read from below
  • Coat of arms: Coat of arms of the association
  • Circle: Circle of Connection
  • Association: corporation association
  • Fencing question: position of the connection to the scale length
    • compulsory: every member is required to hit determination gauges
    • Optionally striking: every member is required to learn the drums until they are ready to measure
    • free-striking: the timpani and the striking of lengths are voluntary
    • non-striking: Members are not allowed to strike the scale
  • Members: Position of the connection to accept members of a certain gender
    • Women's association: exclusive admission of women
    • mixed: acceptance of women and men
    • Male Association: exclusive admission of men
  • House: fraternity house


  • Ernst Hans Eberhard : Handbook of the student liaison system. Leipzig, 1924/25, pp. 47-50.
  • Ernst-Günter Glienke: Civis Academicus 2005/2006 . SH-Verlag, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89498-149-0 .
  • Joachim Hönack, Gernot Schäfer (Red.): Vivat academia! Student associations at the University of Giessen in the past and present. A contribution to the 400th anniversary of the university and to the city's history . Accompanying volume for the exhibition with short chronicles of the corporations involved. Akadpress, Essen 2007, ISBN 978-3-939 413-02-8 .
  • Jürgen Setter: A brief history of the connections in Giessen . Verlag Friesland, Sande 1983, ISBN 3-9800773-0-6 .

Web links

Commons : Student Associations in Gießen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Free academic association Geo-Giessensis: The Geo-Giessensis becomes a mixed association. In: Giessen newspaper . GZ Medien GmbH, April 10, 2016, accessed on April 13, 2016 .
  2. ^ General German Burschenschaft: Members. Retrieved October 8, 2016 .