List of communist parties of Turkey

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This list contains an enumeration of communist groups, parties and organizations in Turkey .

Both existing and historical groups were taken into account, as well as those that were later no longer regarded as communist (e.g. PKK). Some groups are internationally classified as terrorist, some are or were banned underground organizations.

The frequent double designation of party / front indicates, at least theoretically, groups divided into two parts: the political and the armed arm. Some groups maintained or maintain militant sister organizations of other names, which are not listed separately here.

Turkish or Kurdish name abbreviation German translation founding resolution
10 Eylül - September 10 1988 (from TKP) 1996 (to Ürün)
16 Haziran Hareketi - Movement June 16 1987 (from VP)
Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) BP (KK-T) Bolshevik Party (Northern Kurdistan-Turkey) 1981
Halkın Türkiye Komünist Partisi HTKP Communist People's Party of Turkey 2014
Türkiye İhtilalci Komünistler Birliği TİKB Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey
Türkiye Komünist Emek Partisi TKEP Communist Labor Party of Turkey 1980 (from THKO-MB)
Türkiye Komünist Emek Partisi / Leninist TKEP / L Communist Workers' Party of Turkey / Leninists 1990 (from TKEP)
Communist Parti KP Communist Party 2014
Kürdistan Komünist Partisi KKP Communist Party of Kurdistan 1982 (as a section of TKEP; independent 1990)
Türkiye (Resmi) Komünist Partisi (Official) Communist Party of Turkey 1920 1921
Türkiye Komünist Partisi CPM Communist Party of Turkey 1920 1988 (parts of TBKP and 10 Eylül )
Türkiye Komünist Partisi CPM Communist Party of Turkey 2001 (renamed from SİP, formerly STP / Gelenek ) 2014
Türkiye Komünist Fırkası TKF 1920 ?
Türkiye Komünist Partisi Communist Party of Turkey 1978 (79?)
Türkiye Komünist Partisi-Devrimci Kanat TKP-DK Communist Party of Turkey - Revolutionary Wing circa 1980 circa 1980
Türkiye Komünist Partisi / Markist-Leninist (Yeniden İnşa Örgütü) TKP / ML (YIÖ) Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninists (New organizational structure) 1978 (from TKP / ML-Hareketi) 1995 (to MLKP)
Türkiye Komünist Partisi / Marksist-Leninist - Hareketi TKP / ML-Hareketi Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninists Movement 1976 (from TKP / ML) 1994 (to MLKP-K)
Communist Devrim Hareketi / Leninist KDH / L Communist Revolutionary Movement / Leninists 1999 (from KDH)
Türkiye Komünist İşçi Partisi TKIP Communist Labor Party of Turkey 1988 (from TDKP), until 1998 as EKİM
Türkiye Emekçi Partisi TEP Labor Party of Turkey 1975 Mid 1980s
Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti MLKP Marxist-Leninist Communist Party 1994 (from TKP / ML-Hareketi and TKIH)
Komünist Partisi - İnşa Örgütü KP-İÖ Communist Party - organizational structure 1995 (from MLKP)
Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu - Türkiye Devriminin Yolu THKO-TDY People's Liberation Army of Turkey - Turkey's Revolutionary Path 1975 (from THKO) ?
Devrimci Komünist Partisi DKP Revolutionary Communist Party 1989 (from TKP / B) 1991 (to TDP)
Türkiye Devrimci Komünist Partisi TDKP Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey 1976 (from THKO-MB, before 1978 THKO-HK, before 1980 TDKP-IÖ)
Türkiye Devrimci Komünist Partisi-Sosyalist Birlik TDKP-SB Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey - Socialist Unity 1987 (from TDKP) ?
Türkiye Devrimci Komünist İşçi Hareketi TDKİH Revolutionary Communist Labor Movement of Turkey 1989 (from TDKP) 1991 (in TKİH)
Türkiye Komünist İşçi Hareketi TKİH Communist labor movement of Turkey 1984 1994 (to MLKP-K)
Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Partisi / Cephesi DHKP ​​/ C Revolutionary People's Liberation Party / Front 1993 (from Dev Sol )
Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi THKP / C People's Liberation Party / Front of Turkey 1993 (from Dev Sol )
Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi THKP / C People's Liberation Party / Front of Turkey 1971 (from Dev-Genç ) after 1972
Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi / Devrimci Coordinasyon Birliği THKP-C / DKB People's Liberation Party / Front of Turkey - Revolutionary Coordination 1979 Around 1980
Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi / Halkın Devrimci Öncüleri THKP C / HDÖ People's Liberation Party / Front of Turkey - Revolutionary Vanguard of the People ?
Devrimci Halk Partisi DHP Revolutionary People's Party 1994
Türkiye İhtilâlci İşçi Köylü Partisi TİİKP Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Party of Turkey 1969 (from Proleter Devrimci Aydınlık / split from Dev-Genç ) 1977 (in TİKP)
Türkiye İşçi Köylü Partisi TİKP Workers and Peasants Party of Turkey 1978 (from TİİKP) 1981 (to SP)
Sosyalist Parti SP Socialist party 1988 (from TİKP) 1992 (to IP)
İşçi Partisi İP Workers' Party 1992 (from SP) 2015 (renamed)
Türkiye Komünist Partisi / Marksist-Leninist CPM / ML Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninists 1972 (from TİİKP)
Maoist communist Partisi MKP Maoist Communist Party 1994 (from TKP / ML; DABK until 2002 )
Türkiye Devrimci Gençlik Federasyonu Dev-Genç Federation of Revolutionary Youth of Turkey 1965 Banned in 1971
Devrimci Sol Dev Sol Revolutionary left 1978 (from Dev Yol) 1993 (in DHKP / C and Yağan's THKP / C)
Devrimci Yol Dev Yol Revolutionary way 1977 (from Dev-Genç )
Yekîtîya Komunîstên Kurdistan YKK Communist Union of Kurdistan 1986 (from TKP / B) early 1990s
Türkiye Komünist Partisi / Birlik TKP / B Communist Party of Turkey / Unity 1989 (to DKP)
Türkiye Birleşik Komünist Partisi TBKP United Communist Party of Turkey 1988 (from TKP and TİP) 1991 banned (parts of SBP)
Türkiye İşçi Partisi TIP Labor Party of Turkey 1961 1988 (to TBKP)
Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan PKK Kurdistan Workers' Party 1978 (from Dev-Genç or Kürdistan Devrimcileri )

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