List of late antique baptismal packages

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The list of late antique baptismal piscines includes basins for whole-body baptism at ground level or in the ground , which are well preserved and accessible to the public. Both the piscines and the buildings in which they are located are referred to in literature as the baptistery .

Early Christianity participated in the Greco-Roman bathing culture. In late antiquity, this led to the use of thermal baths for baptism and the construction of baptisteries. The architectural model was ancient bathrooms, which were always central rooms, mostly with a square floor plan, often vaulted with a dome. The orientation of the room is related to its center, where the baptismal font is located. Sometimes remains of a superstructure ( ciborium ) have been preserved, on which curtains could be hung as privacy screens. The baptismal font (lat. Piscina ) took over the name and shape of ancient water basins; all forms of baptismal font also occur in profane contexts. About 30% of the pools were round, 23% rectangular or square, 16% octagonal, 16% cruciform. The latter suggests a Christian interpretation, but it also appeared before in secular buildings.

List sorted by country

image country place description
Butrint Albania 15 baptistery.jpg Albania Butrint


Built into an ancient bathing complex, using the existing system of supply and discharge of water. The archaeologists found water reservoirs, underground pipes and a heater for the baptismal water.
Algeria Hippo Regius (Annaba) Early 5th century. Cross-shaped baptismal piscina under a canopy supported by four columns.
St Atanas, Byala 05.jpg Bulgaria Byala, Sveti Atanas


During the excavations of an ancient fortress on the Black Sea coast, a total of three baptismal fonts came to light in 2012, one inside a basilica and the other two a few meters outside the church building, one on top of the other, one from the 5th and one from the 6th century. Two of the piscines were cruciform in plan. The excavators assume that changes in the baptismal ritual made it necessary to build a third baptismal font.
Germany Boppard, St. Severus In the Roman fort of Boppard, after the withdrawal of the military, the civilian population set up a hall church in the 5th century; In an adjoining room there was a baptismal font with a diameter of 1.30 m and a depth of 0.6 m. A circumferential, circular wall carried wooden posts of a canopy ( ciborium ). In the course of the interior renovation of the parish church of St. Severus, the access to the early Christian baptismal font, which is located under the main nave, was improved.
Cologne cathedral early christ baptisterium.jpg Germany Cologne, archaeological zone at the cathedral 6th century. The octagonal baptismal font with curved side walls was preserved from the baptistery at Cologne Cathedral. During the redesign of the eastern area around the cathedral, a porch for the baptistery was created between 2004 and 2006; the baptismal font can be seen at any time through a panorama window.
Detail Baptisitère Saint Sauveur Aix en Provence.jpg France Aix-en-Provence, Baptistery of the Saint Sauveur Cathedral


Baptistère, thermes de Cimiez.jpg France Cemenelum ( Cimiez ), Baptistery


In the 4th century a Christian church was built into the largest bathing complex in Roman Gaul. The hexagonal baptismal piscina remained of the baptistery and leads down to three steps.
ND du Brusc - Baptismal font 7.jpg France Châteauneuf-Grasse, Notre-Dame du Brusc


6th century?
Baptistery Frejus.JPG France Fréjus , Saint-Léonce cathedral


The baptismal piscina is supplemented by a basin for the washing of the feet ( dolium ), which takes place according to the Ambrosian rite before full-body baptism. Of the eight columns that supported the canopy ( ciborium ), only one is partially preserved.
Poitiers - Baptistère Saint-Jean - 3.jpg France Poitiers, Saint-Jean Baptistery


Octagonal baptismal piscina leading down to four steps; 1.30 meters deep. The inflow and outflow of the water was regulated via terracotta pipes.
Ialisos, Greece - panoramio (48) .jpg Greece Rhodes, Ialyssos


EKPYL 2889.jpg Greece Paros, Panagia Ekatontapyliani


Baptistère église du nord - Avdat.jpg Israel Avdat National Park , North Church


Shivta FrDo0096.JPG Israel Schivta National Park , South Church


In the anteroom of the south church there is a baptistery with a cross-shaped baptismal font, into which the person to be baptized descends on steps on one side and from which he emerges on the opposite side after receiving the baptism. According to an inscription on a lintel, the south church was built from 415 to 430.
Intérieur Baptistère Aquilée.jpg Italy Aquileia, basilica


Battistero di grado, interno 01.JPG Italy Grado (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Baptistery


6th century.
Baptistery of San Giovanni alle Fonti 3r.jpg Italy Milan, San Giovanni alle Fonti


2nd half of the 4th century.
Battistero di San Giovanni in Fonte, Naples - DM - 024.jpg Italy Naples, Cathedral of Santa Restituta, Baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte


Battistero Nocera Superiore 18.JPG Italy Nocera Superiore, Santa Maria Maggiore


Built into an ancient bathing complex, using the existing system of supply and discharge of water.
Baptism Piscina Ravenna.jpg Italy Ravenna, Baptistery of Neon


The ceiling mosaic depicting the baptism of Jesus (around 458), with which the catechumens connected at baptism, was reflected in the water.
Memorial Church of Moses, Mount Nebo, Jordan (40633716042) .jpg Jordan Moses Memorial Church on Mount Nebo


Jordan1233.jpg Jordan Petra , basilica


Cross-shaped baptismal font framed by four columns. The pillars probably had a canopy.
Croatia BW 2014-10-08 10-20-48-1.jpg Croatia Poreč, cathedral complex in the old town


Apollonia egliseorientale baptistère.jpg Libya Apollonia, East Basilica


Baptistery Sabratha Apuleus Basilica.JPG Libya Sabratha , Apuleus Basilica


Ohrid, jina krtitelnice v byvalem chramu sv.  Pantelejmona, 1.jpg North Macedonia Ohrid
Stobi Baptistery.jpg North Macedonia Stobi , basilica of Bishop Philip


5th century. To the south of the basilica is the domed baptistery with a mosaic floor and frescoes on the walls.
Agia Trias, Northern Cyprus (7) .JPG Northern Cyprus Agia Trias (Sipahi)


6th century.
Baptistry at Emmaus Nicopolis, Israel.jpg Palestine Emmaus Nicopolis


5th century.
Torre de Palma.JPG Portugal Torre de Palma, Villa Lusitano-Romana


Conversion of a thermal bath with a church, baptistery and burial ground.
Baptistery baptismal font.jpg Switzerland Riva San Vitale, Baptistery


The 6th century baptistery, consecrated to John the Baptist, is the oldest Christian building in Switzerland. In the floor, under the monolithic baptismal font (around 1200), there is the octagonal baptismal piscina.
08 Zgodnjekrščansko svetišče (6) .JPG Slovenia Ljubljana, Emona Baptistery


063 Museu d'Història de Catalunya, baptisteri del Bovalar.JPG Spain El Bovalar, early Christian basilica 6th century. Basin for submersion, vaulted by a canopy: barrel vault on originally six columns with horseshoe-shaped arches.

Today at the Museu de Lleida .

Basílica de Son Peretó 02.jpg Spain Mallorca, basilica of Son Peretó


Basílica Paleocristiana de Vega del Mar 2.JPG Spain San Pedro Alcántara, Basilica of Vega del Mar


Very well preserved piscina for the immersion baptism; Added to the basilica built around 500 in the middle of the 6th century.
Baptisterio - 2.jpg Spain Santianes de Pravia , San Juan


Stairs leading down into 5th century baptismal font.jpg Syria Qal'at Sim'an


Sousse museum 100.jpg Tunisia Bekalta (El Gaala) 7th century. Only discovered by Leptis Minor in 1993 in the rural area . The piscina, which takes up a square of about five meters, is lined with mosaics depicting birds, acanthus tendrils, flowers and fruits. In the center a decorated Greek cross with alpha and omega. Eight-pass, with round and square niches alternating. From each of the eight niches, two steps lead down to the middle of the piscina. An inscription paraphrases the Bible passage Lk 2.14.

Today in the Archaeological Museum of Sousse.

Eglise du prêtre 1.JPG Tunisia Bulla Regia , Church of the Priest Alexander


5th / 6th Century. Cross-shaped plan; two marble slabs separate the side arms from the actual rectangular baptismal piscina, creating dry locations for the priest or deacon. The Piscina, which leads down and back up the steps, is almost two meters deep.
Baptistère de Gighthis musée du Bardo 2001.jpg Tunisia Djerba, Baptistery of Meninx (El Kantara) Today in the National Museum of Bardo .
Musée du Bardo (Tunisie), baptistère de Kélibia.jpg Tunisia Hammam Ghezèze, Baptistery of Clipea (Kélibia) Circumferential inscription: “Dedicated to the most blessed, St. Cyprian, bishop and high priest, as well as St. Adelphius, a presbyter, in unity with him. Aquinius and his Juliana, with the family and - thank God! - their children had these mosaics made for the pleasant waters of eternal life. "

Today in the National Museum of Bardo.

Tunisia-4408-Baptistry Basin (7862946138) .jpg Tunisia Sufetula ( Sbeitla ), church of the priest Vitalis


5th / early 6th century. Unusual, lip-like floor plan with four deep steps on the narrow sides.
Tunisia-4375B (7860591564) .jpg Tunisia Sufetula (Sbeitla), Church of Servus


The baptistery was built into the cella of a pagan temple. The piscina consists of a round baptismal font on the lowest level, above it a quatrefoil on the middle level and a rounded hexagon on the top level.
Theburbo majus 83.jpg Tunisia Thuburbo Majus


Alahan 21.jpg Turkey Alahan, monastery


Basilica of St. John in Ephesus 06.jpg Turkey Ephesus (Selçuk), St. John's Basilica


Marienkirche Ephesus 1.jpg Turkey Ephesus (Selçuk), St. Mary's Church


Hagia Sophia Taufpicina.JPG Turkey Istanbul, Hagia Sophia


The baptismal font consists of a single block of marble, 3.3 meters long, 2.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high. It is older than Hagia Sophia and originally stood in the baptistery. From there it was removed in the 17th century and moved to the atrium.


  • J. Patout Burns, Robin M. Jensen: Christianity in Roman Africa: The Development of Its Practices and Beliefs . Eerdmans, Grand Rapids / Cambridge 2014. ISBN 978-0-8028-6931-9 .
  • Robin M. Jensen: Living Water: Images, Symbols, and Settings of Early Christian Baptism . Brill, Leiden 2011. ISBN 978-9004-18898-3 .
  • Peter Poscharsky : The place of baptism . In: Bettina Seyderhelm (Ed.): A thousand years of baptisms in Central Germany , Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-7954-1893-9 . Pp. 21-27.
  • Hannah Schneider: The development of the baptismal font in late antiquity. In: David Hellholm, Tor Vegge, Øyvind Norderval, Christer Hellholm: ablutions, initiation and baptism: late antiquity, early Judaism and early Christianity (= supplements to the journal for New Testament science and for the knowledge of the older church ). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2011 ISBN 978-3-11-024751-0 . Pp. 1697-1720.

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Poscharsky: The place of baptism . S. 22 .
  2. Peter Poscharsky: The place of baptism . S. 22-23 .
  3. a b Peter Poscharsky: The place of baptism . S. 23 .
  4. a b c Robin Jensen: Living Water . S. 230 .
  5. ^ Robin Jensen: Living Water . S. 228 .
  6. ^ Archeology: Early Christian baptismal fonts found at ancient fortress site in Bulgaria's Byala. In: The Sofia Globe. September 27, 2012, accessed October 20, 2018 .
  7. ^ Boppard on the Middle Rhine - Early Christian Church. In: Retrieved October 16, 2018 .
  8. Suzanne Breitbach: The 1600 year old baptismal font in Boppard can be experienced. In: Rhein-Zeitung. July 7, 2011, accessed October 16, 2018 .
  9. Baptistery. In: Cologne Cathedral. Retrieved October 16, 2018 .
  10. Cimiez Baptismal Font. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  11. Fréjus, Baptistery. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  12. ^ Robert Milburn, Robert Leslie Pollington Milburn: Early Christian Art and Architecture . University of California Press, Berkeley / Los Angeles 1988, ISBN 0-520-06326-0 , pp. 214 .
  13. Grado Baptismal font in the Baptistery. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  14. ^ Petra / Basilica / Baptistery. In: Kiel Image Database Middle East. Retrieved October 18, 2018 .
  15. ^ Stobi - what's discovered. In: Macedonia portal. Retrieved October 18, 2018 .
  16. Baptistery of Bovalar (Seròs). In: Generalitat de Catalunya. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  17. ^ Roger Collins: Spain: An Oxford Archaeological Guide . Oxford University Press, Oxford / New York 1998, pp. 237 .
  18. ^ Robin Jensen: Living Water . S. 218 .
  19. ^ Robin Jensen: Living Water . S. 227 .
  20. ^ Robin Jensen: Living Water . S. 220 .
  21. Bulla Regia Baptismal Font. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  22. ^ J. Patout Burns, Robin M. Jensen: Christianity in Roman Africa: The Development of Its Practices and Beliefs . Ed .: J. Patout Burns, Robin M. Jensen. S. 112 .
  23. Saint Vitalis Baptismal Font and Baptistery Wall, Site Context. Retrieved October 19, 2018 .
  24. ^ J. Patout Burns, Robin M. Jensen: Christianity in Roman Africa: The Development of Its Practices and Beliefs . Ed .: J. Patout Burns, Robin M. Jensen. S. 109 .
  25. The Hagia Sophia in new splendor. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. March 12, 2011, accessed October 18, 2018 .