List of personalities from Torricella tavern

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Torricella tavern coat of arms

This list contains personalities who were born in Torricella-Tavern and those who had their sphere of activity in Torricella-Tavern without being born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


  • Beltramelli family of artists
    • Giacomo Beltramello (* around 1545 in Torricella; † after 1605 there), painter, master builder
    • Antonio Beltramelli (* around 1670 in Torricella; † after 1700 in Savigliano ?), Plasterer
    • Francesco Beltramelli (* around 1670 in Torricella, † after 1700 in Savigliano?), Painter
    • Pietro Beltramelli (* around 1670 in Torricella; † after 1700 in Savigliano?), Plasterer in Savigliano.
    • Cipriano Beltramelli (* around 1680 in Torricella; † after 1745 there), plasterer in Turin , Cherasco and Fossano
  • Trefogli family of artists
    • Giovanni Pietro Trefogli (* around 1410 in Como ; † after 1450), lived in Torricella
    • Domenico Trefogli (* 1675 in Torricella; † 1759 ibid), plasterer, architect in Italy
    • Pietro Trefogli (born September 26, 1763 in Torricella, † September 8, 1835 in Lugano ), sculptor, plasterer
    • Marco Antonio Trefogli (born July 24, 1782 in Torricella; † September 10, 1854 there), painter, plasterer
    • Bernardo Trefogli (born March 6, 1819 in Torricella; † July 13, 1891 ibid), painter
    • Michele Trefogli (born October 10, 1838 in Torricella, † 1928 in Lima ), architect
  • Artist family Rusca
    • Carlo Francesco Rusca (born January 1, 1693 - † May 11, 1769 in Milan ), painter, portraitist, cavalier
    • Jacopo Rusca (* around 1750 in Torricella; † after 1770 in Lugano?), Painter
Werner von Alvensleben
  • Francesco Bellotti (* around 1660 in San Mamete, today's fraction of Valsolda ; † 1708 in Poland ?), Resident in Torricella; Foreman, engineer in Poland
  • Giovanni Battista Adami (* around 1700 in Carona TI ; † after 1766), altar builder and sculptor
  • Morelli family of artists
    • Domenico Morelli (* 1690 in Torricella; † after 1740 in Imola ?), Architect and father of Cosimo Morelli (1732–1812) architect in Imola
    • Luigi Morelli (* around 1735 in Torricella; † 1816 there), sculptor, architect
  • Francesco Ambrogio Petrocchi (* 1720 in Torricella; † after 1759 in Lugo (Emilia-Romagna) ), architect
  • Domenico and Pietro Petrocchi (* around 1720 in Torricella, † after 1759 in Lugo (Emilia-Romagna) ), builders in Imola
  • Biagio Magistretti (* 1749 in Torricella; † 1846 there), architect
  • The Albrici family from Lugano, Torricella and Locarno
  • Antonio Albrizzi (born March 31, 1773 - † July 1, 1846 in Lugano), politician
  • Carlo Andrea Isidoro Maffiorini (born April 15, 1809 in Torricella, † April 3, 1854 ibid), botanist
  • Albertolli family of artists
    • Giocondo Albertolli (* around 1840 in Torricella; † after 1888 there), sculptor
    • Francesco Albertolli (born February 13, 1855 in Torricella-Taverne, † January 26, 1934 ibid); Musician
  • Werner von Alvensleben (politician, 1875) (1875–1947), entrepreneur, poet, painter and politician

Individual evidence

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Giacomo Beltramello. Digitized version (PDF) at (accessed on June 12, 2017)
  2. Ursula Stevens: Antonio Beltramelli. In: Retrieved February 26, 2016 .
  3. Ursula Stevens: Francesco Beltramelli. In: Retrieved February 26, 2016 .
  4. Ursula Stevens: Pietro Beltramelli. In: Retrieved February 26, 2016 .
  5. Celestino Trezzini: Cipriano Beltramelli. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. Volume 8, Supplement, p. 20 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on October 9, 2017
  6. Giovanni Pietro Trefogli, after 1450, rental, Instrumentum investiture et locationis (Italian) on (accessed on January 22, 2017)
  7. Ursula Stevens: Domenico Trefogli. In: Retrieved April 13, 2016 .
  8. Pietro Trefogli. In: Sikart
  9. Pietro Trefogli (Italian) on
  10. Marco Antonio Trefogli. In: Sikart
  11. Bernardo Trefogli. In: Sikart , accessed January 2, 2016
  12. Michele Trefogli (Italian) at (accessed on November 1, 2016)
  13. Rachele Pollini-Widmer: Rusca, Rusconi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . February 16, 2012 , accessed February 3, 2020 .
  14. ^ Daniela Pauli Falconi: Carlo Francesco Rusca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . September 1, 2009 , accessed February 3, 2020 .
  15. ^ Carlo Francesco Rusca (Italian) on
  16. Jacopo Rusca. In: Sikart , accessed January 2, 2016
  17. Ursula Stevens: Francesco Bellotti. In: Retrieved February 26, 2016 .
  18. ^ Giovanni Battista Adami. In: Sikart
  19. Ursula Stevens: Domenico Morelli. In: 2016, accessed August 3, 2017 .
  20. Cosimo Morelli on
  21. Ursula Stevens: Luigi Morelli. In: 2016, accessed August 3, 2017 .
  22. Francesco Ambrogio Petrocchi (Italian) on
  23. ^ Domenico and Pietro Petrocchi (Italian) on
  24. Biagio Magistretti in (accessed on May 31, 2016.)
  25. Celestino Trezzini: Albrici. Digitized version (PDF) at (accessed on May 12, 2017)
  26. ^ Daniela Pauli Falconi: Antonio Albrizzi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . May 3, 2001 , accessed February 3, 2020 .
  27. Celestino Trezzini: Carlo Andrea Isidoro Maffiorini. In: Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz , Volume 4, Liebegg_Mailand_681_815, Attinger, Neuenburg 1927, p. 789; Digitized version (PDF) accessed on September 19, 2017
  28. Celestino Trezzini: Albertolli. P. 208; (PDF) accessed on October 2, 2019.
  29. ^ Albertolli, Giocondo . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 1 : Aa – Antonio de Miraguel . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1907, p. 222 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  30. Francesco Albertolli (Italian) on (accessed on October 27, 2017.)