Lodewijk Willem Ernst Rauwenhoff

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Lodewijk Willem Ernst Rauwenhoff

Lodewijk Willem Ernst Rauwenhoff (born July 27, 1828 in Amsterdam , † January 26, 1889 in Meran ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian and church historian.


The second son of the businessman Jan Hendrik Rauwenhoff (born June 11, 1799 in Amsterdam; † September 11, 1833 there) and the painter Anna van Heurn (born June 21, 1798 in 's-Hertogenbosch; † September 7, 1875 in Tongeren) lost his father very young. His mother therefore moved to Haarlem , where he spent most of his youth and attended the schools and grammar school there. His mother married on January 23, 1845 in Haarlem with Frederic Charles Clemens le Chevalier (born October 22, 1800 in Copenhagen, † January 30, 1881 in Amsterdam). Therefore he returned to Amsterdam, where he moved into the Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam in 1846 . Here Hugo Beijerman (1791–1870), Johannes Bosscha , initially had his further education(1797–1874) and especially Pieter Johannes Veth (1814–1895) had great influence.

Since it was his intention to complete theological studies, he attended the seminary there, where Abraham des Amorie van der Hoeven (1798–1855), Ferdinand Jacob Domela Nieuwenhuis (1808–1869) and especially Willem Moll (1812–1879) his training advanced. In May 1850 he passed his theology candidate exam. In September 1850 he began studying theology at the University of Leiden . Under Johannes Henricus Scholten he received his doctorate on March 12, 1852 with the treatise Disposito de loco Paulino, qui est de διkαιώσει to the doctorate of theology. Shortly afterwards he passed his parish exam and was appointed pastor in Mijdrecht on September 1st .

He took over this office on September 10, 1852 with the inaugural sermon on the Gospel according to John (Chapter 13: verse 34,35). His Mijdrecht phase was overshadowed by the death of his constantly ailing first wife. On November 5, 1855, he was called to Dordrecht as pastor. He took on this task on May 4, 1856 with a discourse on Paul's second letter to the Corinthians (Chapter 4: verse 13). During that time there were some publications that earned him some recognition in theological circles. On March 11, 1859 he was finally appointed pastor to Leiden . In order to develop scientifically, he accepted the call and took up the position entrusted to him on August 7th of the same year with a discourse on the gospel according to Matthew (chapter 12: verse 33).

On June 22nd, 1860, Rauwenhoff was appointed by a royal resolution to be an extraordinary professor of theology at the Leiden Academy, with the teaching assignment for churches and dogma history, encyclopedia and theology. He also became a university preacher and took over the office assigned to him on September 21, 1860 with the introductory speech Christendom en Menschheid . On November 2, 1865, he became a full professor of theology by royal resolution. In this capacity in 1871/72, as rector of the alma mater, he also took part in the university's organizational tasks. He resigned this office with the speech De verhouding van de hoogeschool tot de Maatschappij .

As a representative of modern theology, he took part in the various synods of the Dutch Reformed Church of his time, became a member on September 5, 1859, and in 1875 chairman of the Dutch Gustav Adolf Association. He made numerous contributions in the Theologische Tijdschrift and other theological journals and journals of his time. In 1875 he became a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion . On May 29, 1881 he received a new teaching position for the philosophy of theology. As he got older, his health problems increased. After overcoming a nervous disorder in the spring of 1887, he suffered from constant coughing over the course of the following year. Following the advice of his doctor, he went to Merano with his wife and two children to change the air. Here pneumonia was diagnosed, from which he eventually died. His body was brought to the Netherlands, where it was buried on February 4th in the family grave of Tongeren near Epe.


Rauwenhoff was married twice. His first marriage was on October 7, 1852 in Amsterdam with Maria des Amorie van der Hoeven (* September 12, 1827 in Amsterdam; † August 19, 1854 in Mijdrecht), the daughter of pastor Abraham des Amorie van der Hoeven (* 22 February 1798 in Rotterdam; † July 29, 1855 in Arnhem) and Agatha Stuart (born July 31, 1795 Amsterdam; † July 31, 1835 in Overveen). His second marriage was on December 10, 1861 in Zwollekerspel with Francina Felicia Tobias (born September 3, 1830 in Zwolle, † January 22, 1918 in Epe), their daughter Willem Tobias (born October 8, 1788 in Zwolle; † 1. September 1867 in Zwollerkerspel) and Johanna Cornelia Metelerkamp (* December 8, 1789 in Zwolle; † April 16, 1867 in Zwolle). The second marriage had four children. We know of these:

  • Anna Rauwenhoff (born November 22, 1862 in Leiden; † October 8, 1939 in Tongeren), married. August 3, 1882 in Leiden with Professor of Law Willem van der Vlugt (* March 12, 1853 in Haarlem; † November 5, 1928 in Tongeren)
  • Willem Rauwenhoff (born January 7, 1864 in Leiden; † January 23, 1938 in Apeldoorn), married. May 3, 1888 in The Hague with Ferdinanda Cornelia Hinlopen (born February 7, 1864 in Roermond; † May 27, 1922 in Utrecht)
  • Jan Hendrik Charles Rauwenhoff (born February 20, 1866 in Leiden; † January 7, 1950 in West Raven-Epe), married. October 3, 1895 in Zutphen with Johanna Jacoba Edzardiena Cornelia Gelderman (* July 19, 1868 in Zuidhorn; † May 13, 1905 West Raven-Epe)
  • Johanna Cornelia Rauwenhoff (born November 22, 1869 in Leiden; † August 29, 1951 in Tongeren), married. June 21, 1895 in Epe with Baron Louis Christiaan van der Feltz (born January 10, 1869 in Bolsward, † February 5, 1956 in Haarlem)

Works (selection)

  • Disquisitio de loco Paulino, qui est de δικαιώσει. Leiden 1852 ( online )
  • Geloof. Open letter to Dr. S. Hoekstra Bz. Dordrecht 1857
  • De zelfstandigheid van den Christen, in beschouwingen over Openbaring, de recognizing the waarheid van het Evangelie en de Waarheid eene Verborgenheid, voor de gemeente ontwikkeld. Dordrecht 1857
  • Christian Dome en Menschheid. Answer to the vraag: Welk moet het Leidend beginsel zijn bij de verklaring van de divorced the Christian. Kerk? Redevoering ..... September 21st, 1860 uitgesproken. Leiden 1860
  • Christian Dome en Menschheid. Leiden 1860
  • Heroën in de Geschiedenis. Leiden 1862
  • De faculteit der godgeleerdheid aan de Nederlandsche hoogescholen. Leiden 1865
  • Geschiedenis van het Protestantisme. Haarlem 1865-1871, 3rd vol .; 1st volume ( online ), 2nd volume ( online ), 2nd edition 1874
  • Katholicisme en Ultramontanisme. Leiden 1869
  • De actualiteitspolitiek van de synode of the Nederlandsch Hervormde kerk in 1870. Leiden 1870
  • De verhouding van de hoogeschool tot de Maatschappij. Leiden 1872
  • Het oude en het nieuwe geloof. DF Strauss answered Leiden 1873
  • D. Fr. Strauss' Old and New Faith and its literary results. Leipzig & Leiden 1873, (together with Friedrich Wilhelm Franz Nippold)
  • State en Kerk. Het stelsel van Mr. CW Opzoomer beoordeeld. Leiden 1875
  • Beschrijving van den Tweeden Nederlandschen Protestantendag. 1875
  • De voorwaarden van het lidmaatschap van de Ned. Herv. Dungeon Mededeelingen uit de Synod van 1876. Haarlem 1876
  • In Memoriam, Leiden 3 June 1878. Hulde aan de nagedachtenis van HM de Koningin der Nederlanden. Leiden 1878
  • Wijsbegeerte van den Godsdienst. Leiden 1887; Translated into German by JR Hanne under the title: Philosophy of Religion. Braunschweig 1889, 1894 2nd ed.


Web links

Commons : Lodewijk Willem Ernst Rauwenhoff  - Collection of images, videos and audio files