Lorenz Orth

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Lorenz Orth (born September 5, 1872 in Burrweiler , † September 4, 1955 in Landau in the Palatinate ) was a German teacher and local politician .


Orth was from 1891 school administrator at the elementary school of Landau and from 1895 teacher. In 1912 he moved to the city's commercial advanced training school as technical director. After the end of the First World War he worked towards the establishment of a vocational school , the first director of which he became in 1920.

As a member of the Center Party , he was a member of the council of municipal representatives from 1909 and was the first substitute for the magistrate . From 1920 to 1924 he was third mayor and from December 1923 to March 1924 took over the business of the mayor on a temporary basis . From 1929 to 1931 he was the second mayor.



  • Viktor Carl: Lexicon of the Palatinate personalities. Hennig, Edenkoben 1998.