Lothar Alisch

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Lothar Alisch (born August 8, 1951 in Dessau , † February 4, 2000 in Berlin-Buch ) was a German Protestant clergyman.


Alisch grew up in Dessau with his brother Fred in an officer's family. He received a strict upbringing according to socialist ideals from his father, who had initially served as an officer in the Wehrmacht and was able to continue his military career after the proclamation of the "National Armed Forces" of the GDR. He attended the Ziebigker "Peace School" and after graduating from high school he studied at the officers' college of the land forces of the NVA in Löbau . After his marriage to Heidrun, geb. Hilse in 1972, who came from a Christian family, the NVA major became increasingly involved in the church peace movement. The result was the exit from the SED and demotion to a soldier and dishonorable discharge from the NVA . Alisch, who from then on was under the surveillance of the State Security , began studying theology .

Since 1983 Alisch was in contact with Petra Kelly and the group without armor from Cologne and organized pacifist events in the GDR . Alisch, who had been pastor of the Protestant parish of Zittau since 1986 , was in contact with several environmental groups, in particular the environmental libraries in East Berlin and Großhennersdorf, and founded an environmental group in Zittau in 1988. He was the initiator of an election working group that was able to clearly document and publish the fraudulent elections by the SED in the local elections of 1989 in the Zittau and Löbau districts.

In autumn 1989 he got involved in the citizens' movement Neues Forum , founded a group in Zittau and organized numerous prayers for peace and later regular demonstrations. In 1990 he was a member of the round table in Zittau and later a local politician of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party and a member of the board of the Euroregion Neisse .

In September 1991 he planted a tree in Zittau for Sarah Borowik, granddaughter of Lia Frank . Borowik was possibly born in Zittau as the first Jewish child after the Second World War.

In the election of the mayor of Zittau, Alisch was narrowly defeated by the CDU candidate Jürgen Kloß. Alisch was the founder and co-owner of the GbR "Friedensinitiative Zittau". As a pastor and regional politician, he contributed to the repair of the formerly dilapidated Zittau main church St. Johannis and initiated the Euroregional Ecumenical Circle based in the St. John's Church.

On February 12, 2000, his coffin was ceremoniously transferred from the Zittau Johanniskirche to the cemetery through the city center of Zittau for burial. At the time of his death, Lothar Alisch was, among other things, the parish director in Zittau. Alisch had six children with his wife.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. sz-online: What a young woman only finds out about her birth in Zittau after 27 years . In: SZ-Online . ( archive.org [accessed December 23, 2019]).