Lothar Diversy

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Lothar Diversy (born April 19, 1932 in Maybach ; †  April 25, 1997 ) was a German politician ( CDU ) and member of the Saarland state parliament.


Diversy completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, after which he studied at the Dortmund Social Academy . This was followed by training as a tax agent and tax advisor.

From 1975 to 1983 Diversy was a member of the Saarland State Parliament . He was also a member of the Saarland CDU state board, long-time deputy CDA state chairman and, as wealth policy spokesman, a member of the CDA federal board. In 1983 he was Vice President of the Saarland Chamber of Labor. From 1991 to 1993 Diversy was the incumbent president of the Saarland Chamber of Labor .


  • Lothar Diversy (Ed.) Christianity and Politics: Status and Development of Christian Social Teachings; Guide to the 3rd millennium , Verlag Saarbrücken-Scheidt: Dadder ISBN 3-926406-45-3 . 1990

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Chronicle of the Chamber of Labor