Lou A. Kouvaris

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Lou A. Kouvaris (born April 20, 1954 in Piraeus , † before or on March 28, 2020 in Long Island ) was an American guitarist and also known as LA Kouvaris .


The guitarist of Greek origin appeared in the musical environment in the late 1960s and played in several semi-professional groups. In 1975 he received a diploma as a sound engineer and at the same time founded the band Riot with Mark Reale , in which Kouvaris played the role of lead guitarist.

In August 1978, a few months after Riot's debut with the Rock City album, Kouvaris was removed during the early stages of the Narita album's recording. He was then hired by Henri Belolo and Jacques Morali as the Village People's turntable and formed a band called Special Forces, which was active until 1983 without having released any records.

After taking part in the selection as guitarist of Ozzy Osbourne and Kiss in 1982 , Kouvaris began his work as a composer of soundtracks and participated in the realization of the songs for the film Hotshot from 1987. From 1990 Kouvaris gave up his career as a musician and stayed in musical environment as the owner of the independent label LA Production based in the Rock Garden Studio.

After resuming his activity, he founded the band Riot Act in 2019 together with Rick Ventura, the former guitarist of Riot from 1978 to 1984.

He died in March 2020 at his home in Long Island, New York, of complications from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Former RIOT Guitarist LOU A. KOUVARIS Dies From Coronavirus , bravewords.com, March 28, 2020, accessed on March 30, 2020