Louis-Auguste Jouvenel des Ursins d'Harville

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Louis-August Jouvenel des Ursins, comte d'Harville rare Louis-Auguste Juvénal des Ursins, comte d'Harville (born April 23, 1749 in Paris , † May 8, 1815 in Harville ) was a French general of the cavalry .

Live and act

Jouvenel des Ursins was a son of Lieutenant-Général Claude-Constant Jouvenel des Ursins d'Harville, Marquis de Trainel (1723–1794) and his wife Marie-Antoinette Goyon de Matigno (1725–1770). He was related to the House of Luxembourg through his great-grandmother, Catherine Jouvenel des Ursins († 1643) (→ Primogenitur ).

Jouvenel des Ursins followed his father early on and joined the royal army as a volunteer. He completed his first years of service in the gendarmerie and was promoted several times because of his bravery: Sous-Lieutenant (November 25, 1766), Capitaine-Lieutenant (January 1, 1784), Maréchal de camp (March 9, 1788) and Lieutenant-Général (February 6, 1792). During the Battle of Jemappes he commanded a corps under General Dumouriez , which bypassed the imperial positions and was decisive for the French victory.

Since April 15, 1766 he was married to Marie-Henriette d'Alpozzo de La Trousse (1748–1836); the wedding took place at Château de la Trousse , the residence of his in-laws.

Jouvenel des Ursins died 15 days after his 66th birthday on May 8, 1815 at Château de la Trousse near Harville and found his final resting place on the Cimetière de Doue .



  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850 . Poignavant, Paris 1851 (2 volumes).
  • Adolphe Robert, Gaston Cougny: Dictionnaire des parlementaires français. Volume 3, Slatkine Reprint, Geneva 2000, ISBN 2-05-101711-5 (reprint of the Paris 1890 edition).
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographique des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'émpire. 1792-1814 . Saffroy, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (reprint of Paris 1934 edition)
  • Digby Smith : The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book . Greenhill, London 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Handbook 1808, page 18