Louis-Lucien Klotz

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Louis-Lucien Klotz (1917)

Louis-Lucien Klotz (born January 11, 1868 in Paris , † June 15, 1930 ibid) was a French journalist and politician .

Klotz was of Jewish origin with roots in Alsace . Initially a lawyer in Paris, he founded the magazine La Vie Franco-Russe in 1888 to promote a Franco-Russian alliance. In 1892 he became editor-in-chief of Voltaire and campaigned against Jules Ferry's policies . In 1895 he founded Le Français quotidien , a patriotic magazine that included Voltaire .

In the course of the general election of 1898, Klotz was elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies and joined the Radical Socialists . He remained a member of parliament until 1925 and then became a senator for three years . During his time in parliament he held several important ministerial posts: he was finance minister and interior minister several times . In 1918/1919 he acted as finance minister in the negotiations on Germany's reparation obligations under the motto “Le Boche paiera!” (“Der Boche will pay!”).

In 1929 Klotz was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for check fraud , but died a year later.

Web links

Commons : Louis-Lucien Klotz  - collection of images, videos and audio files