Louis Moutier

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Louis Moutier (born February 15, 1831 in Loriol , † October 30, 1903 in Étoile-sur-Rhône ) was a French author of the Occitan language , Romance studies , grammarian , lexicographer and dialectologist .

life and work

Moutier attended the seminary in Valence and was ordained a priest in 1857. His clerical activity took him to various places in the department, namely Taulignan 1857, Pierrelatte 1860, Pierrelongue 1862, Lachamp-Condillac (today: La Coucourde) 1864, Saint-Nazaire-en-Royans 1870 (there collaboration with the scholar Florian Vallentin, 1851 –1883), Marsanne in 1877, where he was provost, and finally in 1886 to Étoile-sur-Rhône , where he was canon. He used these stays to intensively study the respective Occitan dialect and published a grammar in 1882. Lexicographically, he left behind a very extensive dictionary as a manuscript (on 33,000 pieces of paper), some of which Walther von Wartburg has evaluated, but has only recently been published.

In addition, he wrote literary texts in Occitan himself and kept in close contact with Frédéric Mistral (who used part of Moutier's lexicographical material for his Tresor dóu Félibrige ) and Félibrige , as his representative in 1879 in Valence an “Escolo dóufinalo dóu Felibrige “(Félibrige School of the Dauphiné ) founded.

Moutier was a member of the Société pour l'étude des langues romanes (today: Société des langues romanes ).


  • Un Brounché de nouvèus doufinens e quauqueis vers per Chalendas. Parlar de Lóurióu , Montélimar 1879
  • Armagna doufinen per lou bel an de Diéu 1885 , Forcalquier 1884 (Almanach)
    • Armagna dòufinen per lou bel an de Dìou 1886 , Valence 1885 (Almanach)
  • Lou Rose / Le Rhône. Pouème daufinen / Poème dauphinois , Valence 1896
  • Les Noëls de Taulignan en langue d'oc du 17e siècle , based on texts by Louis Moutier and André Lacroix, ed. by Jean-Claude Rixte, Valréas / Taulignan 2000


  • Noms de rivières et legends du Dauphiné. Notes philologigues , Montélimar 1882
  • Grammaire dauphinoise. Dialects de la vallée de la Drôme , Montélimar 1882
  • Bibliography des dialectes dauphinois. Documents inédits , Valence 1885
  • Dictionnaire des dialectes dauphinois anciens et modern , ed. by Jean-Claude Rixte, Montélimar / Grenoble 2007 (899 pages, 25,000 words)


  • Walther von Wartburg, Hans-Erich Keller and Robert Geuljans, Bibliographie des dictionnaires patois galloromans (1550-1967) , Geneva 1969, p. 257
  • Louis Moutier. Félibre drômois. Poète du Rhône. Colloque de Montélimar, 18-19 octobre 1997 , organized by Jean-Claude Bouvier , ed. by Jean-Claude Rixte and Jean-Louis Ramel, Montélimar 1999
  • Jean-Claude Rixte, Louis-Auguste Moutier. Essai de bibliographie avec notes et commentaires , Valréas 1999

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