Louis Neher

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Louis Neher (born August 13, 1896 in Prague , Austria-Hungary , † January 2, 1934 in Vienna ) was an Austrian-Bohemian film actor , film director and screenwriter for German silent films .

Live and act

Nothing is currently known about Neher's origin, training and career. He was first shown as a film actor as early as 1915, when the 19-year-old was offered the role of the petty crook, Safe-Ede, in the war propagandist comedy Der jumpingende Hirsch from Robert Wiene . Shortly afterwards, Neher had his breakthrough as an actor with the role of Schlemihl in Richard Oswald's ambitious staging of Hoffmann's Tales .

In the same year 1916, Neher switched to working behind the camera and received a directing contract from the small Berlin production company Oliver -Film. For this company, Neher mostly created individual films on popular series. In the last winter of the war in 1917/18, Neher went to Vienna and found employment as a director for A-Zet-Film. Before the end of the war in 1918, he also directed films for a Budapest company. Back in Vienna, Louis Neher continued his directorial work at Wiener Kunstfilm in 1919 . His directorial career ended as early as 1920, after which his track is largely lost. In 1922 he appeared again in front of the film camera in a Max Mack production. There is currently no evidence of theater activities.


As an actor:

As a director:

  • 1916: The robbery of radium
  • 1916: The man without a head
  • 1916: Professor Erichson's rival
  • 1916: In the Empire of the Dwarfs (also screenplay)
  • 1916: Sabina (also screenplay)
  • 1916: The mermaid queen
  • 1917: The heir to Het Steen
  • 1917: The Black Loo (direct involvement uncertain)
  • 1917: Else and her cousin
  • 1917: Else as a detective (also screenplay)
  • 1917: Woman against Woman (also screenplay)
  • 1918: In one night (also screenplay)
  • 1918: the dancer
  • 1918: The speaking hand (also screenplay)
  • 1918: The poison of the Odawara (also screenplay)
  • 1918: Három pár facipö
  • 1918: Tímár Liza
  • 1918: A Kivándorló
  • 1919: Prometheus bound (also screenplay)
  • 1920: The Curse of Inheritance
  • 1920: The Little Duchess (also screenplay)

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