Lubin Mauduyt

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Lubin Mauduyt (born January 3, 1782 in Poitiers , † June 18, 1870 ibid) was a French naturalist and dialectologist of Poitou . His interests ranged from the art and language and history of Poitou to agriculture, botany , ornithology and mineralogy .

Politically a staunch Bonapartist , he became the city councilor of Gençay and professor and then director of the Natural History Institute in Poitiers.

life and work

Lubin Mauduyt de la Grève was born on January 3, 1782 in Poitiers. His father, Pierre Mauduyt de la Grève, was a lawyer in the Poitier Bar Association and Seneschal des Viscount of Gençay. His mother, Anne Suzanne Babinet de La Cour, also came from an important family. Lubins had a sister, Anne Suzanne Mauduyt, who was 10 years her senior.

At the age of 23, on November 26, 1805, he married Marie Aglaé Beauvisage de Montégu, who was three years his junior and daughter of the Cantonal President Ambroise Jacques Beauvisage de Montégu. After 14 years of marriage, his only child, Pierre Joseph Theolinde Mauduyt, was born in Gençay on March 9, 1819.

In the same year, on October 2, 1819, by decree of the Prefect of the Vienne Department , Baron De La Rochette, he was appointed city councilor of the municipality of Gençay.

In 1834 he became a founding member of the Société des antiquaires de l'Ouest (SAO) and from 1839 to 1864 he was the curator of the Natural History Museum and the City Museum of Poitiers.

In 1825 he finished his "Vocabulaire poitevin", which he had collected over 17 years, with over 4000 terms from the dialect of his homeland. It wasn't published until 1994. In the period from 1828 to 1863 he wrote countless treatises on a wide variety of topics. He wrote about the "Teufelsstein", a deposit of stinking limestone ("Pierre qui pue") not far from the church of Saint-Hilaire-de-Poitiers , as well as about the rearing of Rothünern or the castles and monuments in the area. He wrote a catalog of the local flora (L'herbier de la région de Gençay), the birds of the region (Tableau méthodique des oiseaux, tant sédentaires que de passage épisodique ou accidentel, observés jusqu'à présent dans le département de la Vienne. 1840 , FA Saurin, 104 p.), Created the "Catalog général du cabinet d'histoire naturelle de la ville de Poitiers" in 1846. and discovered the mineral montmorillonite ("Un mot sur un morceau de quartz d'une variété particulière, ainsi que sur une substance minérale trouvée dans le département de la Vienne.").

He died on June 18, 1870 in his domicile in Poitier. A painting by him, made by the painter André Deschamps, is in the Museum of Poitiers.


  • Le "Vocabulaire poitevin" (1808-1825) de Lubin Mauduyt , ed. by Pierre Rézeau , Tübingen 1994 (supplements to the journal for Romance philology 256; 368 pages)

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