Lucius Aurelius Orestes (Consul 126 BC)

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Lucius Aurelius Orestes was a in the 2nd century BC. Living politician of the Roman Republic . 126 BC He officiated as consul .


Lucius Aurelius Orestes came from the branch of the Cottae of the plebeian family of the Aurelians . According to the acts of triumph for 122 BC. His father and grandfather also used the prenomen Lucius ; accordingly he was the son of the consul of the same name from 157 BC. Chr.

Nothing is known about the early stages of Orestes' cursus honorum . No later than 129 BC But he must have held the praetur . He reached the consulate in 126 BC. Together with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus . He was sent to Sardinia to subjugate the islanders who were once again revolting against Roman rule. Gaius Sempronius Gracchus distinguished himself as quaestor of Orestes, and Marcus Aemilius Scaurus also served under Orestes in Sardinia. After Orestes 125 BC When the proconsul remained on the island, the Senate decided - allegedly to keep Gracchus away from Rome for longer - that although the soldiers fighting in Sardinia should be replaced, the proconsul had to continue to lead the command there. Orestes was only able to do this in 122 BC. Celebrate a triumph after his return to Rome .

Cicero mentions Orestes as a speaker in his work Brutus . There is no tradition of the fate of Orestes after his triumph.



  1. Obsequens , Liber de prodigiis 29; Titus Livius , Ab urbe condita , periochae 60; Plutarch , Gaius Gracchus 1; Orosius , Historiae adversus paganos 5, 10, 11; among others
  2. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita , periochae 60; Plutarch, Gaius Gracchus 1f .; Pseudo- Aurelius Victor , De viris illustribus 72, 4 and 82, 3.
  3. Cicero, Brutus 84.