Lucius Fulvius Curvus

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Lucius Fulvius Curvus was a Roman senator of the Middle Republic from the plebeian family of the Fulvians and appears as the first member of his gens in the Roman magistrate lists. He was 322 BC Chr. Consul and 316 v. Chr. Magister equitum .


According to a credible tradition, the Fulvians originally came from Tusculum and moved in the middle of the 4th century BC. BC or shortly afterwards to Rome . The reason for this was perhaps the transfer of Lucius Fulvius to the side of the Romans, reported by the elder Pliny . Although Pliny does not cite the cognomen of this Fulvius, he is usually, as also by the ancient historian Friedrich Münzer , for identical with the consul of 322 BC. BC, Lucius Fulvius Curvus, held which view is to be taken as a basis in the following.

According to Pliny, Lucius Fulvius Curvus, whose father and grandfather also used the prenomen Lucius , is said to have been consul of the Tusculum, which fell away from Rome, and immediately after his defection to the Romans he was honored by them with the same highest dignity; and in the same year he had achieved a triumph over his own countrymen. In connection with this communication is the story of the historian Titus Livius that the tribune Marcus Flavius 323 BC. Chr. Demanded a harsh punishment from Tusculum, because at his instigation the cities Velitrae and Privernum had rebelled against Rome, but the inhabitants of Tusculum would have been spared because of their humble pleading in Rome. Friedrich Münzer considers Pliny 's account to be very questionable and rather believes that the proceedings against Tusculum were brought about by the annalists from the time of the first Roman war against Privernum (357 BC) in the vicinity of Fulvius' consulate (322 BC). ) had been moved; Fulvius (or already his father) could possibly be 357 BC. Passed over to the Romans and later made it to the highest office of the state.

In any case, it is historically certain that Fulvius 322 BC. BC held the Roman consulate, with Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus as an official colleague. The main report cited by Livius about the warlike events of this year is, in the opinion of Friedrich Münzer, less credible than the variant attached to it, according to which Fulvius and his co-consul had successfully taken military action against the Samnites , for which they were granted a triumph since the latter statement is confirmed by the acts of triumph.

316 BC Fulvius is mentioned for the last time in the sources when he was the master equitum of the dictator Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas and together with him won a victory over the Samnites at Saticula .



  1. ^ Cicero , Pro Cn. Plancio 20.
  2. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia 7, 136.
  3. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Fulvius 46). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, Col. 236.
  4. ^ Acts of triumph ad annum 322 BC. Chr .; Fasti Capitolini ad annum 316 BC Chr.
  5. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia 7, 136.
  6. Livy 8:37, 8-12.
  7. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Fulvius 46). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, Col. 236 f.
  8. ^ Livius 8, 38, 1 (without giving the cognomen); Pliny, Naturalis historia 7, 136; u. a.
  9. ^ Livy 8:39, 16.
  10. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 316 BC Chr .; Livy 9:21, 2.