Lucius Marcius Philippus (Consul 91 BC)

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Lucius Marcius Philippus was a late republic Roman politician .

He was 113 BC BC Mint master , around 104 BC Chr. Tribune and no later than 96 v. Chr. Praetor , as it is for the Consulate v 93rd Applied. He was defeated by Marcus Herennius and only two years later, 91 BC. Chr., Elected consul. Philip turned against the reform proposals of the tribune Marcus Livius Drusus and, as augur , declared his legislative initiatives to be invalid.

During the popular reign of Cinna , Philip was born in 86 BC. Chr. Censor and joined his uncle Appius Claudius Pulcher of the Senate of. Otherwise he held back with political activities and entered 82 BC. To Sulla , for whom he won the province of Sardinia as a legate , killing the popular praetor Quintus Antonius Balbus . He was one of the leading senators in the period after Sulla's resignation and death until about 76 BC. Chr.

His son of the same name was 56 BC. Chr. Consul.



  1. ^ Rainer Albert : The coins of the Roman Republic. From the beginnings to the Battle of Actium (4th century BC to 31 BC). Gietl et al., Regenstauf et al. 2003, ISBN 3-924861-76-5 , number 1079.
  2. Marcus Tullius Cicero , pro Murena 36; Brutus 166.
  3. ^ Cicero, de legibus 2, 31.
  4. Cicero, de domo sua 84.
  5. Titus Livius , perioche 86.