Ludovic Drapeyron

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Ludovic Drapeyron (born February 26, 1839 in Limoges , † January 9, 1901 in Paris ) was a French historian and geographer.


Ludovic Drapeyron first attended a humanistic high school in Barcelona , where his father had founded a porcelain factory, and continued his schooling in Limoges and then at the Lycée Charlemagne in Paris . He then studied from 1859 to 1862 at the École normal supérieure in Paris and obtained the Agrégation for history in 1862 . He then worked as a history teacher first at the Lycée in Besançon , then in Paris at the Lycée Henri IV and at the Lycée Charlemagne, where he received his doctorate in philosophy in 1869 with the dissertations De Burgundiae historia et ratione politica Merovingorum aetate and L'empereur Héraclius et l'empire byzantine au VII e siècle acquired. From 1870 to 1871 he took an active part in political life during the siege of Paris and the Commune uprising, writing several important brochures and editing the Électeur libre .

In addition to several treatises on the origins of France and Germany and his collaboration in the journals Le XIX e siècle , Revue des Deux Mondes and Revue bleue , Drapeyron devoted himself in particular to geography and its communication. At the international geography congress held in Paris in 1875, he presented a plan for the reform of geography teaching, was one of the founders of the Société de topographie in 1876 , of which he became general secretary, and published the Revue de geographie from 1877 onwards . In 1899 he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor .

Other fonts (selection)

  • La pure Brunehilde et la crise sociale du VI e siècle sous les Mérovingiens , Besançon 1867
  • Les origines de la France et de l'Allemagne , 1868–69
  • Essai sur l'organisation de l'Austrasie et la création de l'Allemagne , Besançon 1869
  • L'Europe, la France et les Bonaparte , Paris 1870
  • L'aristocratie romaine et le concile , Paris 1870
  • Essai sur la séparation de la France et de l'Allemagne aux IX e et X e siècles , Paris 1870
  • Les deux folies de Paris , Paris 1872
  • Nouvelle méthode d'enseignement géographique d'après les résolutions du Congrès géographique de Paris , Paris 1876
  • Essai sur le caractère de la lutte de l'Aquitaine et de l'Austrasie sous les Mérovingiens et les Carolingiens , Paris 1877
  • M. Thiers historien, geographe et homme d'état , Paris 1877
  • En France et en Italie: Le congrès geographique international de Venise (September 1881) , Paris 1882
  • La constitution de Carthage, d'après Aristote et Polybe, étude ethnographique , Paris 1882
  • Les Carlovingiens en Limousin, transmission des institutions féodales à la partie ouest du Massif central , Paris 1884
  • L'image de la France sous les derniers Valois (1525-1589) et sous les premiers Bourbons (1589-1682). Projet d'enquête sur les geographes français du XVI e et XVII e siècle , Paris 1889
  • L'évolution de notre premier atlas national sous Louis XIII , Paris 1890
  • Joan of Arc, application de la geographie à l'étude de l'histoire , Paris 1892
  • Jean Fayen et la première carte du Limousin , Paris 1894
  • Comment Michelet est devenu historien et geographe , Paris 1898
  • Notice biographique sur Christian Garnier (1872-1898) , Paris 1899
